Chapter 17

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I arrive at the dorm after the long day and sit on my bed. I have no homework, and I'm glad.

I have to meet Zayn at five tonight and I guess I'm happy to see him. I really should see another guy because Harry and I obviously won't work. I still kind of regret asking him to go out with me just to piss Harry off.

I'm surprised at myself for even doing that and moving from guy to guy. No matter how much it will hurt to see Harry, I need to focus on better things and push Harry to the side. He isn't good for me, and he obviously doesn't want my help, or even me.

He's just a thing of the past, a fling, just like Chad is to me now.

I don't want Harry to turn into Chad, a lost cause, but it's too late.

He tells me we aren't dating every second, and now I get to play around with it.

He doesn't want to date? Then I won't date him, but I swear if he gets jealous over another guy liking me, I'll go nuts. He tells me not to tie him to one girl, so why can't I see other guys?

Harry arrives and doesn't even look at me.

Instead he sits on the edge of my bed with his back turned to me.

"What time are you going to Zayn's?" He sighs.

"Five," I say softly, almost carefully.

"Same time I'm going to hang out with Courtney." he turns to me smiling, an evil smirk, and my heart drops into my stomach.

I swallow before replying.

"Who's that?" I ask, doing my best to keep my face blank.

"The girl who was my partner in class." He says, searching my face for any emotion.

"Zayn said he got me something," I lie, and pick at my fingernails to avoid eye contact.

"I hear Zayn's presents suck," he mumbles.

"I heard Courtney sleeps around and smells like pizza." I say, mentally slapping myself for the last part.

"I heard Zayn smokes, I know you hate that." He says, playing with his hands.

"I heard Courtney is a bitch, I know you hate that." I say.

"If I hated that why would I be here with you?" He smirks evilly.

Thank god I keep my mouth from falling open and act like it didn't affect me at all. He didn't mean it. He couldn't have meant it. Why would he be here after all this time if I was a bitch? And he said if   he hated that he wouldn't be here, so maybe he does like that? I am overthinking this.

"Okay, I better go out with Zayn now. He texted me saying he had a surprise for me with a winky face." I lie, as I look down at my phone pretending to read a text.

Harry's jaw clenches and his face flushes a bit with anger.

Mission accomplished.

"Bye," I sing, as I walk out the door.


I drive to the frat house and see Zayn outside leaning against the brick wall.

"Hey," I say kicking at the gravel as I walk towards him.

"Hi," he says, whipping out a cigarette.

So he does smoke. I absolutely despise the feeling of smoke and the awful smell, but I'm not going to bother him about it. I will just let him be. I don't want to come off as prudish.

"What do you wanna do? Should we go somewhere?" I shrug, as I catch up to him.

"Let's get dinner," he says, and then exhales the smoke.

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