Chapter 14

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Harry nods his head but I can tell by looking at him that he isn't. He has a bruise on his cheek, a little blood from his nose, and he cut his fist.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No, too many things at once," I sigh. "we fought, then we made up in minutes, then we kissed, and then Chad shows up and wants to press charges.."

"You're completely done with him, right?" He looks me in the eye.

"Of course I am," I say. "I can't believe he had the audacity to press charges on you. If you were in jail, it'd be all my fault, and I can't live with that."

Harry shakes his head, and I look to the floor.

"Look at me," he whispers, tilting my chin up so I am forced to make eye contact. "I made the decision to beat the shit out of him, and end all of this BS. You didn't," Harry assures me. "and if I see him even lay a finger on you I will crush him into sand." He smiles innocently, making me laugh.

"I'll clean you up," I say, gesturing towards the bathroom.

He follows me into the bathroom and sits on the toilet.

I look through the cabinets, until I find my emergency kit. I brought one just in case.

I take his hand and run it under the cold water in the sink.

He hisses at the contact, but he quickly recovers. I turn off the water and take out a rubbing alcohol wipe.

"It's gonna burn," I warn him, before swiping it over the cut.

He doesn't budge at all.

I quickly place a bandaid over the cut, and I take another wipe and wipe the blood from his nose.

"If your nose bleeds again, I'll give you a tissue." I shrug, throwing away the wrappers for the bandaids and wipes.

He nods. "Do you still want to leave?" He looks to the floor.

"Yeah," I bit my lip. "But I'm not, I'm staying with you."

I wanna go just to think, but I don't wanna risk seeing Chad, or have to worry about staying somewhere else. And I think I should stay with Harry, I'll have to all year anyway.


I wake up to the sound of Harry on the phone. I open my eyes to see him pacing around the room like a maniac.

"You can't do that!" Harry yells into the phone, making me wince.

He balls his fist at his side before continuing to pace around the room.

"Mum! Do you see what he did?! Don't let him do this!" He shouts.

What could possibly happen to his mother now? She's already been severely beaten several times. What could his stepfather have done now?

He turns off his phone, before sitting in his bed and placing his hands over his face.

I sit up in my bed, and stretch my arms out, before turning to him.

"What happened?" I yawn, placing my feet on the ground.

"My mum isn't divorcing Rob." He says looking to the floor.

"Rob? Your stepdad?" I ask and he nods. "That's awful, how many times has he done this?"

"Three, and each time she's in the hospital," he shakes his head in disbelief.

What is making this woman stay with him? I left Chad after one slap, how come she is still with him after three beatings? I feel awful for Anne, she probably feels obligated to stay with him, or she still loves him.

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