Chapter 56

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(Mackenzie's POV)

It was lunch time and I was on my way to sit with Quinn, when I saw her with Cristiano. They were laughing with eachother at the table. I stood in the middle of the mess hall for a second, debating if I should walk over if I should just suck it up and sit alone.

"Mackenzie!" I hear someone call.

I turn around to see Harry sitting at a table alone. "I bought you lunch cause you bought me McDonald's yesterday, I'm kinda returning the favor." He laughed.

I smiled and stepped closer to his table. "Thanks, can I eat with you? Quinn's with her new boy toy."

He nodded, letting me sit next to him.

He got me a soft pretzel and fries. "What a balanced meal." I joked taking a bite of the pretzel.

"Hey, pretzels are your favorite. No complaining." I laughed. "It's nice to be talking as friends. No strings attached."

He nodded with a smile. "I agree."

Liam walked towards us, taking a double take as he saw me at the table. He sat with us anyway, setting down his tray of food next to Harry.

"Mackenzie! Long time no see."

"Yeah it's nice to see you." I smiled back at him.

"I have no idea what to do about this whole secret Santa thing. My Santa is Satan herself." He rolled his eyes.

Harry and I looked over at him with furrowed brows, in confusion. "Who, mate?"

"Jessica Johnson." Liam spat, Harry shuddered at her name.

"Who's that?" I asked intrigued.

"She's some girl who went through all us lads. She had her fun with Harry, Louis, Niall, and I." He said disgust on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I chuckled, looking over at Harry.

"Believe me, I blocked the memory. Fucking traumatizing." He joked.

"She used us all. Me for help on her psychology project, Niall for tickets to a concert, Louis for drugs, and Harry for... well I don't know what she used Harry for. He's not the brightest so it wasn't study tips-" Liam said in thought.

Harry nudged him jokingly. "Hey! She used me for sex." He said, almost sounding ashamed.

Come on. Harry for sex? He's so much more than his penis. Is that what people see him as? Just a sex dud? It made my blood boil, I don't know why I was so upset about it. I knew the real Harry and all people saw was his dick. It was truly disappointing.

"But wait, she used Louis for drugs? Is he on something?" I asked, concerned and trying to change the subject from Harry's sex life.

"He was going through a rough patch." Liam frowned. "But he's sober."

"That's good." I reply.

"What should I get Jessica, though?" Liam but in. "I have no idea."

"Used condom, tampons, coal-" Harry began listing off terrible items to give her.

"Harry, come on." I laughed. "Coal?"

"Used condom is not a bad idea." Liam said, in a serious tone.

"You've got to be kidding." I shook my head.

"No really! It's an item I would already have, well if I had sex before Christmas comes around obviously, and it's meaningful. It displays something raw and romantic like sex." He shrugged.

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