Chapter 40

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What's some good music?


This has been the worst hangover I've ever had. Last night Harry and I got drunk. I look and feel disgusting. I wore a ginormous grey chunky sweater with black leggings. It was 80 degrees outside. California weather sucks. At least for today Im inside for the most part.

We were now at lunch and I was sat with Quinn and Kendall at the dining hall, and I'm pretty sure Harry just went out to eat with Niall. Liam and Louis were sat across the dining hall. I either ate with Quinn and Kendall, Harry, or Harry and his friends at lunch. I used to sit with Calum and his friends a lot but after our date thing I stopped. It's just kind of awkward. I can't believe just about a week ago I was convinced I was pregnant, with only Calum to help me out.

I can never ever tell Harry about me and Calum's kiss on our date. I told him we didn't kiss that night, when we really did about twice. It's better unsaid. I don't see a reason to tell Harry. I mean Calum and I are friends and that happened when we weren't a thing. Besides, Harry should trust me enough.

We had an hour lunch break and we were halfway through the lunch period. I was eating just waiting for Kendall and Quinn to stop bickering. That's always what ends up happening now. They're always arguing like kids...

I bought some brownies though. So yay.

Life was pretty boring right this second, Beyoncé stuck in my head, listening to a couple fight, third-wheeling... The only thing good about this was the brownies I got.

I found myself imagining kissing Harry, his soft lips... sigh. But really how does he get such soft lips and hair? And his eyes. I hum to myself just thinking about his eyes.

I ended up with my chin in my hand staring off into space just thinking about him. I bet I looked like a school girl who just got a crush on the new kid.

He's so beautiful. It was like he wasn't even real. He was too perfect to be real. I'm so scared of loosing him, I need to stop pushing him away just to pull him back in. If this relationship is going to happen, I have to give him all or nothing.

I come back to life when I saw Kendall stand up from the lunch table. The argument must've gotten heated without me noticing.

"I'm leaving before I hurt your feelings. I can't believe you cheated." She says biting her lip and grabbing her bag.

I widen my eyes at Kendall's comment. Quinn cheated? She doesn't seem like the type to.

"Babe, he's just a friend." Quinn rolls her eyes.

"I can't live with the fact that you're bi, Quinn. It's too hard for me, so many people can take you away from me. You cheated with a guy! Do you even like me?" She snaps and I see her eyes water up.

I've never seen Kendall being emotional. She was just like Harry, always had her guard up. Quinn sighs before muttering a reply.

"Cmon, I didn't even cheat, it's just the fact that he's a boy that gets you mad." She rolls her eyes.

"You kissed him!"

"I was drunk!" Quinn raises her voice.

My headache only grows as they practically shout at each other. My ears ring with Quinn's words and I rub my temple trying to make the headache go away.

"You still did it!"

"I did, but that doesn't mean a damn thing, I don't even like him! God, Kendall!"

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