Chapter 12

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It was now time to go to lunch with Kendall and Quinn.

I quickly put a mint green and white flannel on, along with dark-wash high waisted shorts. I quickly put on black vans and headed out and I was already wearing light makeup.

I texted Quinn telling her I was ready and asking where we are having lunch.

She texted back saying I should meet her at five guys burgers and fries. I agree and start walking towards the door.


"I'm Kendall, Kendall Robinson." She introduces herself.

She has dark brown her and hazel brown eyes. Her hair is pin straight, and she has a stunning smile. She's beautiful.

"I'm Mackenzie." I smile back, playing with my straw in my cup.

"How'd you guys meet?" I try to make conversation.

"We were forced into being science partners last year. We never met, and we automatically hit it off." Kendall smirks causing Quinn to blush and slouch uncomfortably in her seat.

I smile at the similarity, and how Harry and I met in a similar way, but I just know that we aren't gonna end up happy the way Kendall and Quinn are. I know that, no matter how much I deny it, even if Harry and I are at a really good place right now.

"Yeah, we are polar opposites too. But there was just something, you know?" Kendall smiles, grabbing Quinn's hand and squeezing it.

"I didn't fully know I was gay until Kendall," Quinn admits. "I'm bi, though."

Makes sense. She called Harry hot yesterday.

"Sadly. Guys obsess over her. Especially that prick John." Kendall laughs.

"Ugh, I hate him so much. He hit on me too." I laugh with her.

The only real reason I hate him so much, is because of Harry. And his blackmailing him. I guess I'm obligated to hate Zayn too, but he's okay actually.

"Thank god Zayn hasn't gotten to her yet." Kendall chuckles, taking a sip of her soda.

"Why? I mean, what would he do?" I ask, with curiosity.

"Just play her and then break her heart. Quinn gets attached to people easily." Kendall rolls her eyes causing me to laugh.

"You're so overreacting." Quinn rolls her eyes playfully.

"Yeah but you love it." Kendall sticks out her tongue and kisses Quinn's cheek.

They're the cutest couple I've probably ever seen.

"You know I hate PDA," Quinn groans, slightly pushing her away. "Anyway, back to you Mackenzie, did you deal with Harry last night?"

I wish Quinn didn't bring that up. I don't want to tell everybody about Harry's problems.

"Uh yeah, he got some rough news, that's all." I shrug.

"Dude, are you two dating?" Kendall smirks.

"He wishes," I lie, laughing.

He probably doesn't even think about dating me, with all the 'we aren't dating' shit.

"I get that," Kendall nods.

"Order number 72!" A cook yells out placing two paper bags on the counter.

"I'll get it," Kendall says, removing her hand from Quinn's and walking over to the counter.

She comes back a minute later with three burgers.

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