Chapter 29

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-Harry's POV-

I see him. He is standing there alone in the classroom just smoking a cigarette. He made this so easy.

I walk up to him slowly, standing still in front of him.

"What do you want Harry?" Zayn asked, exhaling the smoke.

I don't say a word. The cigarette hangs loosely out of his mouth and I grab it, throwing it to the floor and stomping on it. Who even smokes inside- at a school? He glares at me almost confused.

Without any words, I roughly shove him into the nearest desk, knocking him and the desk over. He looks at me in pure confusion, before an evil smirk covers his face.

"You know how hard this is for Mackenzie and I? You know what she is going through because of you ?" I angrily spat at him and he laughs.

"You don't scare me Harry. I can take you any day." he chuckles.

"Show me." I challenge.

Zayn stands up and begins pacing towards me. "See, you want a fight here, but-" Zayn takes a step towards me as he says the words, and I knock him to the floor again kicking his rib as he falls.

Zayn rubs his side in pain, before grabbing my boot and yanking me to the floor next to him. He pins me to the floor, throwing a fist towards my face, but I easily grab his hand, twisting his wrist and slamming him onto the floor, his back slamming hard against the tile.

Zayn lays there and hisses in pain and I take the time to harshly pound at his cheek, earing a cough from him.

I see blood line the insides of his lips and a small bruise begin to form on his jaw. Zayn pins me down again, but this time manages to actually punch me in the jaw.

I groan in pain and turn to him.

"You little.." I trail off and slam his head back down into the tile, earning a groan from his swollen face.

"Mackenzie deserved it," he mumbles. "The little slut left the window right open anybody could've filmed that!" he shouts, trying to punch me but I dodge my head in time.

"Don't call my girlfriend a slut!" I yell, grabbing him by the collar and smacking him back into the hard floor.

He whimpers before turning to me. Zayn kicks me in the balls, making me crawl up into a pathetic ball and ache in the awful sensation.

"Fuck!" I scream in agony.

I hear him grab something, but I don't now what it is. I am too distracted in my own pain to even care what it is.

Suddenly, out of nowhere I here the sound of glass shatter right next to my right ear. I look over and Zayn has smashed a glass vase near my head. That's it. I feel blood trickling down the back of my head, and I feel it get matted in my hair.

I yelp in pain before grabbing Zayn by the collar of his shirt, making him stand in front of me. I knee him in the balls before punching him in the face repeatedly. I push him back onto the ground, making sure he lands on the broken glass.

"That's what you get for fucking with me and my girl!" I shout, kicking his leg one more time.

Zayn lies there in complete and utter pain, even shaking. I leave the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

So I lied to Mackenzie.

I need to get to a bathroom and clean myself up so Mackenzie won't suspect a thing.

I enter the nearest bathroom, and I see I have two small fresh bruises on either cheek, and I turn around, looking over my shoulder to see blood stuck in between my hair in the back of my head.

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