Chapter 43

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harry's outfit is above

I'm still obsessed with TMH Harry sorry lol if you don't like it imagine something idk



-Harry's POV-

"Babe, do I look good?" I asked Mackenzie, fixing the collar of my flannel.

She turns around from her spot near the bathroom counter and eyes me up and down.

"You look really hot." she smirks and turns back to the mirror putting on some sort of eye makeup.

She was killing me. Wearing only lingerie in front of the mirror. She said she was changing afterwards but I know she is just fucking with me.

I look back in my reflection, straightening out my shirt with a huff.

"Will 'looking really hot' impress your mom?" I ask, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, you're fine." She shrugs.

"You sure? If she doesn't like me-"

"Harry, she likes you." Mackenzie calls from the bathroom. "Stop worrying. Just be polite and you'll be fine."

I finally stop examining myself in the mirror and walk over to my desk. I had cologne sitting on top of it. I took it out and practically doused myself in the scent.

I was beyond nervous. I've already met her mother and all but I have to impress her in front of my mom, which will be weird. My mom knows how I act and I will be acting completely different tonight because of Mackenzie's mother.

Also I don't want Gemma being rude to Mackenzie. Gemma is amazing but she is a total bitch when she wants to be. And Mackenzie's the same exact way. Amazing but has quite the attitude. I just hope Mackenzie won't start something.

I don't think our mothers will get along.. My mother doesn't exactly like fake people.

What? You can't blame me for thinking Mackenzie's mother is fake as fuck. Honestly. But Mackenzie doesn't need to know that.

"How much longer until your makeup is done?" I whine sitting on my bed.

"Well, I have to finish my makeup, put clothes on, put on deodorant, put on perfume, brush out my hair, and do my hair so.... twenty minutes." she shrugs.

"So basically I'm going to be waiting here forever?"

"Oh come on, I just need a lipstick color and I'll be done with makeup. Come help me."

Gladly, she was still only in underwear and a bra.

I stroll over to her and hug her from behind. My arms around her bare stomach and my chin lazily on her shoulder. She smiled at our reflection before picking up three lipstick tubes.

"Dark red, pink, or just Chapstick?"

"Just do Chapstick it'll come off anyways. And we're eating so why wear lipstick?" I shrugged.

"Touché." Mackenzie said sliding the Chapstick over her pink lips.

"You look good." I smile at our reflection.

"Yeah, well I'm not done." She says and I unwrap my arms from her waist just leaving my hands there.

She grabs her deodorant tube and rubs it on her armpits. "Deodorant, check."

She does the same with perfume. "Perfume check."

"Okay now I need to brush my hair and pull back the front of it and then get dressed. I'll be like five minutes, I already have an outfit planned."

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