Chapter 20

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This week has gone by fast and it's already Saturday. I've done nothing but do homework, study, and be with Harry. I haven't talked to anybody, anybody, except Harry the past four days. I have slept with him in his bed every night and we've joked about throwing away mine because none of us sleep in it.

We are dating, I never thought I'd say those words about Harry, let alone hear them come out of Harry's mouth. I've learned a lot about him this week, like how loves the way I trace his tattoos, or trace small shapes into the palm of his hand. He loves tacos and bananas, with a burning passion. I learned about his family and he learned about mine. He didn't even mention he had a sister until now, and I also failed to mention that I have a seven year old sister.

I've just woken up and I look over at Harry who has an adorable little smile plastered on his face as he sleeps.

My fingertips find themselves on Harry's swallow tattoos, tracing them and moving on to the next.

I trace the outline of the butterfly tattooed on his chest and I notice that the tattooed skin is almost more smooth and velvet and I love the feeling of it.

My fingers trace the small letters and numbers near his collarbone '17 BLACK'.

I have no idea what these tattoos could possibly mean, but I like them. It's like decorating your body.

Harry opens one eye and I smile.

I remove my finger from his tattoos, but he grabs my hand placing it on his bare chest again and closing his eyes.

Just to spite him, I take my hands away from him again and he opens his eyes pretending to be pissed off.

I laugh and stand to my feet stretching my arms.

"Get back here and trace my tattoos again." He groans, covering his face with his hands.

I roll my eyes trying my best to mask my smile.

"Okay well I'm gonna brush my teeth and make some microwave breakfast or something," I shrug and he shakes his head no.

"No you're going to lay here with me." he says, standing to his feet and walking up to me.

I try and back away from him but he grabs me by the waist and flips me over his shoulder.

"Harry!" I shout, banging my fists against his chest.

He ignores me and throws me onto the bed, laying next to me. Before I can move he wraps his arms around me tightly. I kick my legs at his to hesitate and start to groan, but he shuts me up by kissing me shortly.

I look up at him and sigh, I pout my lips, in defeat.

"Anyway, I think we should do something fun today." I say and he nods.

"Like a party?" Harry asks and I smile. "Well I'm staying by you 100% of the time, we know what happened last time." he smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Okay dad. I'll be safe." I mock him and try to get up from his grasp, but he pulls me down to early.

"Uh uh uh." he says holding me tighter.

"One of these days you're going to kill me by holding me so tight." I groan. "You're gonna push my organs out of place and-"

I say but I'm interrupted by Harry holding me even tighter.

I suck in a breath and actually can't breath.

"Okay I can't breath," I whisper and he lets go of me laughing.

"Let me make some microwave pancakes or something," I shrug and he shakes his head.

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