Chapter five

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Today we get to finalise the designs that we're going to be picking to turn that music room around. I looked at all the designs on the table scattered around noticing some of mine were picked and also on the table. No one knows who's designs are who's so there wouldn't be an unfair vote or favourites because of the person that designed it. Some people really liked my piano design for the walls and it was getting picked quite frequently. This was the only thing keeping me going right now. If this project wasn't happening I wouldn't be here probably. I'd be back at home, sulking under the covers and sleeping all day. It's nice to not be like that though, being out with people that show that they care. This distraction is working really well and I'm enjoying myself for once. Some of these designs are great and fit perfectly for a school of art and music. This was an idea that the government chose where different colleges interact with each other and go design their rooms. My college thought it was a great idea and we got paired up with a college all the way in Lincoln and now we're staying there for a few days as a get away trip. While their art students go to ours. So we basically just switched our colleges for a few days. It's a cool idea and I'm looking forward to it. The trip is only in three days time and I couldn't be more excited. I've never been there and I'm excited to see what Lincoln has to offer and maybe I'll make some new friends.
"Okay guys final vote! Here are the top ten, now pick five of these and those are going to be our final designs." Anna yelled out and began spreading out the top ten designs. I walked over to the table and chose the five that I found the most interesting and overall the best. I can't tell who's design is who's but they all look amazing. And after about ten minutes of voting the final winners were chosen and now Anna is going to announce the final designs and their winners. We all took our seats and waited patiently for her to announce the winners. If our design is displayed on the board we had to stand up, pick it off the board and stand with it in our corresponding order. In fifth place was Courtney, she stood up and walked up to the front taking her design and stood at the end of the line. I only spoke to her a couple of times but she was always polite and quiet so I think she deserves to be in the top five. In fourth place was Harry, he's a very quiet and shy kid. I never see him speak to anyone but he's very artistic and his work is pretty impressive. In third place was Jess, She's your typical loud girl but she's always nice to everyone and everyone loves her. In second place was me, me out of all people. I was quite surprised how I got chosen so high but I guess everyone loved my piano design. It was the keyboard of a piano but in a wallpaper form. It would stretch out throughout a whole wall and go in all different directions, creating a intricate path. I slowly stood up and took my place at the front. It was uncomfortable standing there with everyone's eyes on me, watching me carefully. But I'm not surprised, I've been gone for weeks on end and this is the first time I actually made it into college for a whole week. I know everyone's wondering where I have been and maybe even smelt the alcohol on me when I came back on Monday but it's not like I'm going to tell any of them what really happened. I'm happy with only one person knowing where I have been and what really happened to me. I mean it's not like I've been kidnapped or taken away for three weeks I've just not been in school. Anyways, Anna announces the first place winner and in no surprise it's Justin, we used to be close but his girlfriend went psycho and we had to stop hanging out. He's the good boy of the group and a try hard. He made this complicated design that everyone was blown away with. It was your typical try hard move. Going all out to impress everyone in this class and show what he's really capable of. I'm just overwhelmed with joy that I was actually picked and came in second place. I have never won anything or been close to it. So today I'll take this as a win and happily take my pride with it.

It's Friday evening and we leave early morning on Monday. I have to plan out all of my outfits and my best clothes for the next five days. We go on a Monday and return on the Friday morning so we realistically have only four days to completely finish everything which is stressful but I'm sure we can all carry it out. At least I know my mums exited for me to be leaving this house for five days since I spent so much time here and avoiding everyone else, locked up in my room. I'm certainly going to miss my privacy for the five days I'll be there but hopefully I'll get to share a room with Emma and no one else or someone that I can at least tolerate. I know for a fact that at one point in the evening when were in our rooms they'll ask why I've been gone for three weeks and what happened to me. And honestly, I don't really feel like telling them. I just pray that they mind their own business. Now, back to thinking what the fuck do I pack. The sooner I get this done the less I have to do the night before because knowing me I will definitely forget something and then cry about it for the next three days or go out and buy another one and I really don't want that.

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