Chapter seven

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Before I left for the coach I hugged my mum goodbye, it might've been the longest hug ever but I honestly didn't want to let go. My mum was one of my lifelines and knowing that on this trip she's not going to be made me scared. She was the best lifeline I had but I guess it's on me, I volunteered to go so there's no going back now.
I grab my bags out of the boot and wave my mum goodbye. As I'm dragging my suitcase across the pavement and closer to the coach, my stomach starts to turn. I can hear the thoughts in my head asking me if this is the right choice, if risking seeing him is worth it. But I push those thoughts away and drag my ass to the meeting spot.
"Liv!" Emma shrieks and then runs over to me with her bags. She has about three bags with her all stacked up. "Are you planning on staying for a month or two?" I questioned her and pointed at the bags. She just casually sat on them and smiled. "You never know what opportunities will come, I need an outfit for every situation." I laughed at her. I always loved how over prepared Emma was. Whenever I had an emergency or needed something I always went to her because I knew she'd have it. Suddenly Anna yelled out for us to load our bags onto the coach and then gather around to make sure everyone was there. We all did as she said and in no time everyone was all packed up and ready to go. As I stepped onto the coach my nervousness got bigger and inside I started freaking out. I didn't want anyone to notice it so I just hid those feelings deep down and continued onwards. I made my way towards the back of the coach where it was the most comfortable. I wasn't too far from the very back but still close to the middle. I have to admit that this coach is very nice. The seats were all a deep red colour with personal trays, seatbelts that aren't too tight that you'll suffocate in and plenty of leg room. I placed my bag underneath my seat and sat in the window seat. Quickly enough everyone was taking their seats and getting settled in. This was only about a three hour journey so I plugged in my headphones and bundled up against the window. About five minutes later Emma joined me and sat down but her friends were sat near her so she was chatting away as I sat there with my headphones not saying a word.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over. Justin and his friend Levi were sat behind me and he was hovering over my seat waiting for my attention. I took out my headphones and looked over to him. "Where have you been Liv? You were gone for three weeks." I let out a deep sigh. I knew that I couldn't avoid questions like this. When I walked into that class on Monday everyone was in shock, they looked like they have seen a ghost but that ghost was me. "Shit happened Jay, that's all I've got to say." He just gave me a confused look but he backed down quickly not wanting to question it further. I know I can trust Justin and tell him since we've known each other for a while and we used to be close but I don't want to risk everyone knowing. If I tell him he'll definitely tell his girlfriend and then she'll tell everyone she knows. I don't need that right now so I'm happy he just left it.
Emma turned to face me and mouthed 'are you okay.' And I just nodded in response. I appreciate her concern but I was fine, I can handle Justin. She knows everything that happened with him and maybe when his psycho girlfriend leaves him we'll go back to being friends but maybe not.

After nearly three hours we were close to our destination and the hotel we'll be staying at. Thankfully we managed to find a hotel close to the school so we could easily walk there and we were not too far from the centre of the city. I got off the coach and my legs were killing me. I hate sitting still or in one place for too long so while everyone was pilling out of the coach I walked over to the side to stretch my legs. The car park and drop of bay was pretty large and I could see the hotel in the distance. I knew we weren't going to be staying in a five star hotel but it looked nice enough on the outside. Hopefully it won't be completely shit on the inside and we don't get some sort of disease or infection from it. I walked over to where the baggage was being unloaded by the bus driver and one of the teachers. I looked around and browsed in order to find my suitcase. I eventually found it in a short amount of time and grabbed it. Emma walked over to me and sat down on top of my suitcase. "Can you please grab my bags, I'm exhausted." She asked and then gave me a bright smile, I just rolled my eyes and started searching for her bags. They weren't hard to find since who else would have three matching bags in the same baby pink colour embraided with flowers. I begin stacking the bags but then Justin came over to me. "Hey." He said. I finished stacking the bags and then stopped to talk to him. "Hey." He looked like something was puzzling him and he looked nervous. "Are you okay?" I asked him, but he just looked down at the ground for a short amount of time. He finally got the courage to speak up. "Do you want to meet up later in the evening and catch up? I feel like this is the only chance we'll get to hang out since Mary isn't here." Ah, of course. He'll finally get a break from her and be able to live a little instead of being her pet for the trip. I'm glad she isn't here otherwise she definitely would have made this trip unenjoyable for him. "Sure, I'll text you when I'm free." I said. He gave me a smile and then walked back over to his friends. I definitely did miss my friendship with him. We were so close, inseparable almost. He lived just down the road from my house and our mums were very close friends. As we grew up we spent a lot of time with each other but that all changed once he started dating Mary. He started dating her when he was 16 and they have been together since. I'll be honest, it was hard seeing him change for her. He was a social butterfly with many friends. He'd go out almost every night and invite me to most things but it all changed, she changed him. He became quiet and shy, he first cut me off and then any girl he was friends with or interacted with. He stopped talking to almost everyone and only hung out with her. Seeing him at the lunch table surrounded by Mary and her friends was hard. I wanted to save him so many times but I just couldn't. I knew she would freak out on me and accuse me of trying to steal her boyfriend even if he was my best friend at the time but that was two years ago and now we've completely grown apart. He used to come over to my house when his mum did but he never does that anymore. I miss him but he's too far gone and I can't save him, he has to save himself.

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