Chapter six

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"OLIVIA! You're going to be late!" My mother yelled from downstairs. "JUST A SEC." I yelled back. I have about thirty minutes before I have to be at school and I'm running around the place like a crazy person. I accidentally fell asleep last night and forgot to pack my essentials. So I'm now running from the bathroom into my room with my hands full of my things. I grabbed as much as I could and crammed it into my toiletry bag. I'm also making sure I don't forget anything otherwise I will be furious. I'm all ready ready and everything I just need to pack some of the last things and then I have to go. Hopefully Anna won't be mad that I'm a little late but I'm sure it'll be fine. The coach leaves in an hour and we have to be there about forty-five minutes earlier. I shove everything in my suitcase and then sit on it zipping it up. Thankfully I'm heavy enough to be able to weigh it down and zip it up. I jump up and drag the suitcase out of my room and down the stairs. It's hitting every step as loud as it can due to its weight. "Did you pack a body in there or something?" My mum questions. I leave it at the bottom of the stairs and walk over to her in the kitchen. "No. I just packed a bunch of clothes." I said sitting down on the island edge. She huffs and turns over to me. "It's only five days darling, plus you have enough money to buy something if you need to." She says. I look down at my feet swinging over the edge. I don't know why but I'm nervous. Maybe It's the fact that I'll be in his home town, close to him but the possibility of me running into him is like one percent but that's still a percentage. "The house is going to be so empty without you." She comes over to me and squeezes me into a tight hug. "Mum." I drag out and she lets go. I grab both her hands and look up at her. "It's only five days, you'll do fine. Plus you can have Simon round. You guys will have the house to yourselves." She gives me a bright smile. Simon's her boyfriend, After dad left she was broken. She didn't know what to do but that's what happens when you rely on men. Plus Simon's a good guy, I can tell he has a warm heart and loves her as much as I do. He doesn't really stay over often too because he doesn't like disturbing me or being in the way which I appreciate, even if I told him it's fine and I actually enjoy when he's here. He bring light into this house and makes my mum happy which makes me happy. Hopefully he decides to move in so this house won't feel as empty and will keep me company while mum's at work. I don't know if the question popped up between them but I'm sure that eventually Simon is going to move in.

"Okay lets go. Grab your stuff and meet me in the car." She slaps my thigh playfully and goes to grab her car keys. "Ow, thanks for that." She let out a small laugh and headed towards the door. I push myself off the counter and grab my coat and bag. I place them both on the top on the suitcase and roll it out of the front door. I shut the door then drag it all the way to the car. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Leaving my safe place, the one place I can hide and giving it away for five days. I'm going to miss not being able to hide but it's only five days and if I need to I'm sure I can find a place to hide within the hotel if I need to. I just need to keep an open mind to everything and hopefully I won't go crazy.
I get inside the car and put my seatbelt on. And I just lay back taking everything in. In the back of my mind I was freaking out but I just put my calm face on even though I knew I wasn't calm.
"Are you excited?" She asked me. I took in a deep breath. I am excited, I really am but what if something goes wrong or I hate it and then i would be stuck there for the next five days. "Yeah I am excited but a bit nervous." She placed her hand on my thigh. "I know honey, it'll be hard at first but I'm sure you'll love it." I turned my head to face out the window and leaned my hand against it. Hopefully I will love it, maybe I'll even fall in love with the place. I want to travel wherever I can so I can find my comfort place. I want a place that I will instantly fall in love with and stay there forever. Somewhere where I can raise my children and grow old. Somewhere where I can find my perfect house and make it mine. That's all I really want. I know girls my age aren't like me, they just want to find someone to love for a while and then party while they're still young. Don't get me wrong I also love a good party but I'm looking for the future, not something that's temporary. That's why I was so hesitant to fall in love. I don't want to fall in love with someone that I know won't stay with me. I don't want to give my everything to them for them just to take it away and we become strangers again. Because it's the worst feeling in the world and I never want to experience it again.

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