Chapter sixteen

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Emma peaked her head through the door to grab my attention. "Hey! get your shit and we're going out." I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms. "Where?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and just told me to get ready and I wasn't going to argue with her so I did as she said. I packed up all my materials and cleaned up my work space. I grabbed my purse and ran out the door with her. I have no idea where we're going but I know that she has something planned and for once I'm excited. I could use with whatever distraction she came up with. We met up with Jess and Emily at the front of the college and we began walking to the direction where the city central sits. "Where are we going?" I asked. Jess slows down and grabs my arm and we lock our arms together. "Some of the college boys invited us to the pub and one of them specifically asked for you." She said. Someone specifically asked for me? Please, please, please don't let it be Joel. I couldn't think of anyone else that would ask for me. Jess noticed the worried look on my face and spoke up. "It's not Joel don't worry, it's some guy named Max I think." He's the guy that showed me where the classroom was on the first day. I completely forgot about him, but how did he remember me. Maybe he just wants to get to know me, we only spoke briefly and he seemed nice. He seemed generally sweet and he helped me out so I should probably thank him for that later when I see him.

We arrive at the pub after about fifteen minutes of walking through the busy streets of Lincoln. It is an old traditional British pub but it looks empty enough. I mean it is a Tuesday night so not a lot of people go to the pub at this time except the regulars and people that just got off work in need of a drink. I see a group of about five guys crowding around a pool table, one of them waves us over and we make our way towards them. "Hey guys." Jess says and sets her bag on a table near them. All of them say hi to us and introduce themselves. Max walks over and stands by my side. We have small talk and then he asks me if I want anything to drink and I just tell him any alcohol that they have that is cherry flavoured. I watch him walk over to the bar and start talking to the bar tender. I take off my coat and place it on the table along with my bag. "Hey, want to play a game of pool?" A tall brunette approaches me, he's dressed very well with a black shirt and the two top buttons undone exposing his tanned body and a black necklace that he wore around his neck. To pair with the black shirt he wore black pants and a belt, It was a simple outfit but I have to admit he could pull it off very well. He was holding the pool stick with him and so I took it out of his hands and walked over to the table. "Bring it on." I decided to break and start the game. Growing up with Justin we actually always loved to go to the pub to play some pool while our mums were at the bar getting drinks and talking. It was like a tradition between us so I became very experience in pool and even sometimes placed money bets on it, and I won every damn time. When there's a prize I like I can become very motivated and competitive. I align the stick straight on the white ball and shoot. I watched as all the balls scattered around the table and two reds were potted. I then move myself around the table to be able to get a good angle on one of the balls and when I spot the perfect angle I again align the stick and shoot, another perfect shot. I looked over to the guy and his jaw was on the floor, I'm guessing he wasn't expecting me to be actually good at this game but I have more tricks up my sleeve for later. I then ran out of good angles and places to go so I just shoot some random ball and walk over to him to give him the stick. He takes it from me and walks to the opposite side of the table. "I would have never imagined that you would be this good." He said as he took a shot and then missed. "Lets say the pub was my favourite place growing it." Max then walks over to me and hands me my drink. "Damn Alex, you need to step up your game if you want to win." I take a sip of my drink and I can feel the alcohol already coursing through my veins. "What is this? It's really good." I asked. "I asked for the best cherry flavoured drink and got that." He said. I could tell that white rum and vodka was used but the cherry flavour overpowered the alcohol and the lime gave it a nice sour aftertaste. I place my drink down near the table as I walk over back to Alex and take the stick from him. The only person that I knew from this whole group was Max and I didn't even personally know him but they seemed like nice and genuine people.

After a few games of pool we all sat down and started talking. I had Max on my left side and Alex on my right, all the rest of the girls were scattered around in between the boys chatting away. I could tell that Alex and Max were very close but were the complete opposite's. Max was into the light and oversized type of style while Alex was into the dark and tight one. I preferred Alex's style so much more than Max's since it was more like mine. "Ah I forgot to ask you how old you were." Alex says. "I turned eighteen January this year." I said. Further to the conversation I found out that everyone was eighteen and some of the other guys were turning nineteen later this year including Alex. I have to admit all of them were very attractive and put together. "What do you guys do in college?" I ask both of them. Alex was a lead guitarist in one of the bands that were performing in the battle on Thursday. I have to wonder, is he in the same band as Joel or are they a rival one. I proceed to ask him if he was performing on Thursday and he was. "I can't wait to win and stick it in Joel's face." Alex said. "Please do bro." Max said and fist bumped him. "Wait what?" I asked puzzled. Do they hate each other or something. Or is there history between them that I didn't know. I remember Joel mentioning something about how his bands at school are ass and super egotistical. "Let's say we just want to beat his ass. "He thinks he has a chance but he really doesn't." Alex says and they continue on talking about him. It makes so much sense now, why he left and said he doesn't have time for me. He has been too focused on trying his best and trying to prove him wrong. These guys have been shit talking him and he won't take it. Should I tell him or keep quiet? What am I saying. He doesn't even want to talk to me in the first place.

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