Chapter ten

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I lay in my bed looking at the sun rise up. It's early in the morning and we have to be down for breakfast in a bit before we leave to go to the college. After last night I just want to hide in this room today but I know that I can't do that. I have to get ready and wake up the others. When I came back to the room everyone noticed the smudged mascara down my cheeks. They all got up and hugged me tight. I then decided it was best to tell Jess and Emily about what happened and I explained it to them like I did with Justin. We all then burst out in tears and held each other for a while and promised that we'll be there for each other no matter what. I feel like I grew closer with Jess and Emily and we had a strong bond. We promised each other that anything that is said in this rooms stays in this room and they all shared their stories too of their first heartbreak and we just cheered each other up. I have no idea what time we went to sleep but we fell asleep quickly after we called it a night and went to sleep. I get up out of bed and head for the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and smile, I'm finally healing. I've been waiting for this moment what feels like forever but it's finally happening. I got everything out of my system and now I've grown with two completely different people that I would have never imaged that I would have.

I walk out of the bathroom and look at the girls, of course they're all dead asleep so I have to be the one to wake them up. An idea pops up in my head and I go back into the bathroom and grab a spray bottle and fill it up with cold water. I then quietly walk over to Emma and kneel down near her face. I raise my hand so the bottle is directly in her face and start spraying. She jolts up. "What the fuck Liv!" I quickly go over to Jess and Emily and spray them before Emma's shouting wakes them up. They both rapidly wake up. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Jess yells as I burst out laughing. I fall down onto the floor not being able to contain myself. They're all half asleep and wiping the water off their faces. I get up off the floor. "Good morning guys." I say. They give me an annoyed looked. "Was there no other way to get us up?" Jess asks and I simply say no with a cheeky smile on my face. I then turn around and start unzipping my suitcase to grab some clothes for today. I pick out a simple tight fitted dress, my leather jacket and some tights along with underwear. Might as well put in some effort for todays first day. "Come on guys, get up and get ready."

I finish zipping up my black leather platform knee high boots and I grab my bag before I head out the door. I quickly close the door behind me and find the girls waiting for me near the elevator doors. "First to get up, Last to leave." I walk past them and press the elevator button. "Shut up." I said with a smile. We make our way downstairs and to breakfast before we leave. I grab two pieces of toast and sit down with the girls. I spot Justin sat on the table in front of us and he gives me a warm smile, he then holds up his pinkie and kisses it. We haven't done this in years and I'm surprised he still remembers our tradition. I hold out my pinkie and kiss it back. We used to do this to symbolise our friendship and the promises we made with each other. A warm feeling set off in my stomach. Even if this connection only lasts for the duration of our trip I'll still gladly take it. It's better to have him back for a few days than not have him back at all. He breaks the eye contact and goes back to eating his cereal. I grab a bite of my toast and participate in the conversation that the girls were having. Suddenly Anna interrupts everyone and gets everyone's attention. She makes a small morning announcement and tells us that we have to head to the college in about 20 minutes. I honestly can't wait for my design to come to life and watch it change the room.

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