Chapter eight

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"Gather around guys! Time for room picking." We all walked over and crowded around the teachers. "So we have the keys to the rooms and about three weeks ago you have chosen your ideal groups to share a room with." Three weeks ago? I wasn't in on that day. Hopefully Anna knows me and I didn't end up with people that I won't be able to tolerate other wise this is my whole trip ruined right at the start. "Don't worry I put in your name with mine and some girls you like." Emma whispered into my ear. I felt an instant relief wash over my body. I don't know what I would have done if Emma didn't do that. I don't want some nosey bitches questioning me all night about where the hell I've been.

After a while everyone got their keys to their rooms and I was paired up with Emma, Jess and Emily. I liked Jess and Emily, they were always nice to me even if they're the loud ones in the class but I know they're fun so I didn't mind at all. "Guys! before you all scatter off into your rooms, no boys going into the girls rooms and no girls going into the boys room. Got it?" Everyone let out a disappointed yes and then scattered off. All four of us grab our bags and then head inside of the hotel. On first glance the hotel didn't look bad, It looked clean and put together. Hopefully the rooms are the same and we don't have a risk of an STD or anything else. The lobby entrance was light and illuminated with light. The floor was white glass tiles with an open space and a couch in the middle. The stairs and elevators were on the right and the hotel restaurant and lounge area was onto the right. The four of us bolted to the elevators pushing our luggage with us. Jess quickly pressed the button and the elevator doors opened. We quickly get inside and shut the doors behind us. We all take a few seconds to catch our breaths and burst out into laughter. "What floor are we on?" Emma asked in between laughs. "Three." I lean over to press the button for the third floor and shortly we start to move. The elevator was slow but we were on the top floor so I guess that's why. Eventually we got to the third floor and we continued down the hallway to our room. The hallway was carpeted in a deep red with white walls and hallway lights all the way through. Our room was only a couple of steps away from the elevator. Jess pressed the key card against the door and it unlocked. She pushed open the door as we looked inside. It was a pretty big room. There were 2 double beds separated just by a nightstand, a half panelled wall acting as a head board on the wall. A small couch and a chair were sat in the corner with a lamp in the corner. On the other end was a corner shelf for the other bed and a night light. The colour theme was quite cosy with a dark red, tinted orange and a light grey. The beds looked comfortable decorated with a red end sheet and a orange side pillow in the middle with two big white pillows. "I'm not going to lie but I expected something much worse." Emily said. "Well we got lucky then." I said. We all walk into the room and leave our bags near the door. Emma runs over to the bed and jumps onto it giggling all the way and then Jess follows her jumping onto the other bed. They both start bouncing up and down on the bed and we all start laughing. "C'mon Liv!" I run and jump onto the bed with Emma. I lay on the bed giggling as Emma continues bouncing up and down. Surprisingly these beds are comfortable and have a good bounce to them, you sink into the mattress but not too deep. "These definitely pass the test." Jess says.

It's about one in the afternoon and we were all gathered down into the lobby to go into the restaurant to grab something to eat. I tag along with Emma, Jess and Emily as we walk into the restaurant. I walk over to the salad bar and grab a bowl, I wasn't too hungry so a salad will do. I begin loading my bowl but then Justin walks over to me. "Can you meet me in the lounge at around nine?" He asks, I say sure and that'll I'll see him there and watch him walk away. He goes back to sitting with his friends and I just grab my bowl and sit down with the girls. "What was that about? It's the like the third time he spoke to you today." Emily asks. I grab a bite of my salad before I answer her. "He just wants to catch up that's all." I said taking another bite. She just nods in response and goes back to eating and talking to the girls. I can't help but look over to Justin and I see him looking back at me, I give him a small smile and he just looks away and goes back to chatting away. I wonder why he wants to catch up. Its been nearly two years since we last spoke and I wasn't expecting him to talk to me again. Him wanting to catch up with me felt very random but maybe I'm just overthinking this and he just took the opportunity to finally talk to me. I guess I'll find out later in the evening when everyone settles down and most have gone to bed. Hopefully everything goes fine and this isn't some way of him telling me he needs help.

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