Chapter fifteen

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It's the second day and I'm already back at the college. Music was filling all the rooms since the bands are going to be competing with each other on Thursday and our class was invited to watch. I'm not that keen on going since Joel was definitely going to be performing and seeing him on that stage playing guitar would just crush me on the inside. It would remind me too much of when he used to play the guitar for me. So I'm going to keep to myself and find something to do while the others watch. I talked to Justin about it and he said he would go with me and entertain me while the show was on. But deep down I really want to go, I want to see how well he does. I want to watch him carry out his dream and show everyone what he's capable of. I haven't seen him since the day he walked out of the classroom. It hurt me so much letting him just leave like that but he left me stood in there by myself. I was left paralysed and confused.
I heard the door open, I looked over my shoulder.   There he was, a guitar wrapped around him. He took a quick look at me and then continued on, pretending like I wasn't there. I don't know why but my heart shattered instantly. He just continued on with what he was doing and ignored me. Not a single word came out of his mouth. So I turned around and continued to paint but my hand wasn't sturdy enough. My whole body was shaking, I could feel the nervousness rise in my stomach and it made me sick. I closed my eyes and tried to chase the feeling away. I hear him place his guitar onto the table and leave the class again. I looked back as he left. "Why are you doing this to me." I said under my breath. I then noticed his dark red guitar just sat on the table still plugged into the amp. I took a few steps toward it, just admiring it. It was a beautiful deep, dark red with black accents. I then walked over towards it and traced my fingers along the guitar strings. Knowing this was his guitar gave me a glimpse of excitement. I looked towards the door to see if anyone was coming in but there was pure silence. I picked up the guitar and sat on the edge of the desk. I strung one of the strings and it was a powerful but a beautiful sound. While he's not here I might take advantage of it and play something. I have recently been learning Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex and I can remember the song pretty well now and the notes. I took out my necklace from under my shirt where I had a guitar pick attached to it and I started playing. I started off slowly and then played the intro. His guitar was tuned so perfectly and it sounded like heaven. I envy that he has better guitar than me but I don't blame him. This is his career this is my hobby. I got carried away with playing and listening to the tune. It is such a beautiful song and perfect for a lonely night. They were the only band that I listened too after Joel left me.
"Having fun playing on my guitar?" I jumped at the sudden voice that spoke. I stopped playing and stood up with the guitar in my hand. He walked over to me and took it out of my hands then sat down where I was sat. "You know, for a song like that you need to tune it down a bit." He then started to tune the guitar down and handed it back to me. I hesitated at first but took it from him and sat down next to him. Then I began playing it over again. I could feel him observing me very carefully as I focused on playing the tune. I can still feel my body shaking but one I let go and got carried away with playing it all went away. I don't know why but music calms me down, this is something I can get lost in over and over again. I was coming close to the end of the song and I felt him move closer to me. Once I was done he picked the guitar out of my hand and set it aside. I turned my head around to face him and we made eye contact. I couldn't help but to look into his eyes. I wonder what he is thinking. Because right now I'm falling in love with him all over again. I don't want this moment to end but I know it will, and then I'll be heartbroken all over again but for a completely different reason. We both love each other but we can't be together and it's killing me. I can feel my heart slowly dying on the inside. A single tear falls down my cheek and he goes to wipe it away. "I have to go." He says and then stands up. He grabs the guitar and leaves the room. There he goes again, leaving me breathless and broken.

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