Chapter eleven

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We finally arrive at the college after about a twenty minute walk. We all crowded the reception area as we were being handed temporary passes so we could walk in and out of the college. Each of us had to go and give our personal details so we could get the badge with our names on it. We had special visitor lanyards that were a different colour from the official student ones. After about thirty minutes of everyone getting the lanyards we were able to finally go into the college. Lessons would officially start at nine but we were there a bit early and were free to go and explore the campus so we could get familiar with it for a few days. Our official room was in the C block downstairs where all the music rooms were and some of the private music rooms were too. I decided to go and look around the campus by myself while the rest of the group gathered up and went together. This was a surprisingly large campus and many art and music students were around. I had about twenty minutes to go and get lost then ask someone for help to where the C block is. I plug in my headphones and blast music through my ears as I walk around the different blocks and explore. I decided to start on the first block that I saw which was the art one since there was different types of art work scattered around the walls and everywhere. From simple realistic paintings to funky statues that were spray painted in neon pink and green. I could see the different talents of students as I walked the halls and different floors. I received a lot of different looks from people since I was a first time visitor and all on my own but I just ignored them and kept on walking.

"Hey, you must be one of the students from the other college re doing the music room right?" I look over to a guy walking in my direction. He was tall with blonde curls and blue eyes. "Yeah I am actually." I say. He walks over to me, he's wearing black cargos paired with a green oversized hoodie and Jordan's to match. "I'm Max, what about you?" He asks. "Olivia but you can call me Liv." I say. I take my headphones out and stuff them into my jacket pocket. "Cool, do you know that lessons are about to start?" He says, I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket and check the time. I have been day dreaming this whole time that I didn't notice the time. "Shoot, do you know where music block C is?" I ask. "Sure do, follow me." He then starts walking down the hall and I follow him. He leads me all the way to the classroom where I notice everyone is already there waiting. "Thank you Max." I say and walk into the class quickly. "No problem Liv!" I take my place next to Emma as everyone is gathered in the front of the classroom. "He was cute." She whispers into my ear and I just roll my eyes.

We got a mini introduction to the college and the music teacher introduced herself. She tells us how she used to be a professional piano player before she decided to become a teacher and that she was happy to meet us. We are also going to be meeting some of her students and get their thoughts on our designs. I knew that we were going to be painting the room and redecorating but not meeting her music students part. Maybe I'll find someone that will let me borrow their guitar since I brought my music sheets with me. There is no better way to practice my music than in a music thriving place. She then lead us into another room where all of her music students were sat. We all stood in a group at the front of her classroom as she introduced us and told them in depth to what we were doing. I can feel the excitement rise in my stomach. This has been one of my dreams for the longest time ever. I always wanted to do something like this. Making a space music dedicated where creativity unleashed and we had the freedom to do our thing. Not only do I get to put a piece of my own work into this place but it's something so meaningful to me. Watching it come to life makes me so happy. Originally this was a tattoo idea for my leg. It caries a massive meaning to me and unlocks one of my favourite memories which was with my dad. As I grew up he used to sit me next to him and he played the piano for me. I remember sitting next to him on a rainy day as he played what his heart desired. I was so young when he did this but I remember every part and it's the only good memory I have left of him so I'm going to cherish it as much as I can.

"I'm missing someone. Where's J-" She got cut off before she could finish her sentence. Someone burst in through the door and everyone looked over. I turned around and looked at the door. It was a guy about six foot with blonde hair carrying a guitar with him. He lifted up his head and I gasped. "Sorry I'm lat-" He looked over at me and we made direct eye contact. Those brown eyes, I could recognise them anywhere. Those were the same brown eyes that made all those empty promises, that broke my heart. It's Joel.

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