Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Finn’s POV

I shook my head in a disapproving manner and sighed. When will he grow up? I grabbed my towel and headed into the shower to start off the day.

Getting into the kitchen, I realized that we had no more coffee beans. Great, now I have to go down the street to get myself a coffee.

“Jack! I’m going out for coffee!” I called up to him.

“Oh good! Would you get me one too and an English muffin, please!” he called back.

It’s bad enough I had to take care of him last night, now I even have to get him breakfast.

Can’t you make your own bloody breakfast??” I said under my breath as I walked out the door.


So here I was walking down the streets of London getting coffee. I kept my eyes open for any unwanted attention. You see, having a twin who happens to be a huge hit on YouTube, people always mistake me for him, and not to mention the few times I’ve been on as well. I pulled up my hood to let the shadows cover my eyes as the streets were quite busy at this time of the day.

Turning the corner, the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit my nostrils, making my lips turn up into a smile. After last night’s ruckus, a coffee is what I need.

I groaned as I entered the coffee shop; the line was practically going out the door. Really people? Don’t you guys have a coffee maker at home?

I stubbornly waited in line for my number to come up, and after what seemed like an hour, though it was probably only like 10 minutes, I was given 2 cups of heaven and Jack’s English muffin.

I turned around to leave, and that’s when I saw her. Holy fuck… She was gorgeous. Standing near the door, alone, I let my eyes roam around her entire body. I took in her long gracious legs that she showed off in pantyhose, and that’s when I noticed her curves, those of a Greek goddess. With beautiful detailed features, her luscious lips were now on a Styrofoam cup sipping coffee. God how I wished they were on my lips instead. 

I had to get her number.

Pretending to walk out the door, I purposely bumped into her, spilling one of the coffees onto the side of her trench coat. Obviously Jack’s coffee, not mine.

She let out a gasp and backed away from the puddle that was now gradually growing as the coffee continued to leak down her coat.

“I-I’m so sorry,” I said flustered. I watched her eyes go wide as she took in my appearance. Did she recognize me?

“No-I-I’m… Uh-I… hi?” she looked so vulnerable I wanted to swoop her into my arms and run away with her.

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. I guess I got distracted by your beauty,” I smiled flirtatiously. Her cheeks turned a deep red, and she looked down at her feet before looking back up and smirking.

“Um...thank you, but if you really wanted my number, you could’ve just asked instead of burning me with your hot coffee,” she teased.

“Now, who says I wanted your number?”

“Oh really now? So you didn’t just purposely bump into me?”

“How can you accuse me of such things that I have no intention of denying,” I watched as she caught onto my words and let out a chuckle.

“I’m Elizabeth,” she said raising her hand.

“Finn, it’s a pleasure to meet you my fair maiden,” I took her hand and turned it over, bringing it in for a light kiss.

“Quite the charmer, aren’t you?”

“What can I say; I like to flatter my ladies.”

“Should I be concerned about these ladies,” she raised an eyebrow.

“If you need to be,” I winked. “How about I buy you breakfast- seeing as I happened to ruin your coat.”

“I’m not so sure Finn, I don’t like the sound of these ladies you so happen to need to flatter,” she teased.

“Jealous?” I teased her back.

“What can I say; I don’t particularly like sharing my men.”

“Should I be concerned about these men,” I raised my eyebrow in the same manner she had.

“Jealous?” she smirked.

“It’s not jealousy, its love.” She broke out in laughter and soon after I was doing the exact same thing.

“I’m sorry Finn,” she spoke once the laughter died down, “I would love to have breakfast with you but I’m running late since someone so rudely bumped into me and spilled coffee all over,” she winked. I let out a chuckle.

“How about dinner then?” I asked hopefully.

“Are you asking me out on a date?” she smirked.

“Nope, I’m asking you to go rape a hobo,” I said sarcastically.

“Hmm… I wouldn’t be so sure about doing that. Like I’m always up for dares, but don’t you think it can be dangerous, like what if he has something?!” she said with mock horror.

 “Ha-ha, very funny Elizabeth and yes I am asking you out on a date.”

“See? That wasn’t so hard to admit it now was it? And to answer your question I would love to,” she smiled.

“Great so if I can-” Before I could finish my sentence, she grabbed my cup of coffee and pulled out a sharpie, writing down her number on it.

“Keep that safe, you wouldn’t want to lose it,” she said with a wink.

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t,” I called as she walked out of the shop.

“Hey you!” some guy yelled over the counter. “You’re going to have to clean that mess up!” Before he could go around the counter and stop me, I sneaked out of the coffee shop. I could still hear him when I was outside.

“You wanker!” he yelled angrily.

With a smirk on my face, I dashed down the road with my cup of coffee tightly held in my hand.               

Double Trouble || Jack and Finn Harries (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now