Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Finn’s POV


I was rudely woken up by the loud banging at my bedroom door. Taking a look at the clock, I saw that it was only 3 damn AM. Suddenly, my door burst open and Jack came tumbling in, and along with him fell a glass.

He made no effort to get up from the floor, but continuously groaned in pain. Letting out a groan of my own, I climbed out of bed and pick him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. The smell of beer and tequila immediately hit my nostrils.

“Jack?! Are you drunk? Have you any idea what time it is?!”

“Finn! My favourite twin in the entire world! Have I ever told you how much I love you?” he blubbered on.

“Well… that’s a first,” I muttered, dropping him onto my bed. If Mum caught him, he’d be dead.

“You look just like me Finn, isn’t that amazing!” he grinned from ear to ear. “You have the same hair as me,” he said playing with the strands on my head. “And look at those cheeks,” he started pinching them.

“All right, that’s quite enough Jack,” I told him.

“Oh! And I met the most amazing girl; you should’ve seen her Finn, what a beeeeeauty!”

“I’m sure she was Jack” I replied with an annoyed tone.  He fell to the floor again and I rolled my eyes. “Jack you’re so wankered!”

“No, I’m car-parked!” Jack replied with a foolish grin.

I shook my head disapprovingly as I rolled my eyes once more. “Just because you add ‘E-D’ to a word doesn’t mean you can use it to replace the word ‘hammered’!” I replied, even more fed-up with him than before. “Just go to bed, will you?”

“Will you sing me a lullaby?”


“Please,” he started to give me the puppy eyes, something I’d taught him to do. Being as I am the older one, even if it was by 2 minutes, it was my duty to teach him the ways of persuasion.

“Urgh, I don’t even know a lullaby,” I muttered.

“Sure you do,” he said confidently. “Sing mockingbird.”

I cannot believe he’s making me do this.

“Umm...  hush little Jackie, don’t you cry, everything’s going to be all right,” I began, stammering on the words as I tried to remember how the song went.

 “Stiffen that upper lip up little matey, I told ya, Finn’s here to hold you through the-” I was cut off by Jack’s snoring.

Well, that was quick.


Sunlight poured in through the window. As I stretched I felt the ache at my lower back from sleeping on the floor the entire night. Jack was still sprawled all over my bed, letting a bit of drool leak onto my pillow. Gross.

At this point I had 2 choices; either I can be an amazing twin and cook him a greasy breakfast, or…

“THIS GIRL IS ON FAYAAAA,” Alicia Key’s voice blasted through the speakers and Jack jerked awake before falling off the bed.


“Shut that god damn thing off,” he groaned. I smirked down at his body and placed a finger on top of the stop button, not making a move to turn off the music. “Finnnny!”

“Yes my dearly beloved twin?” I teased.

“You’re a menace,” he growled before getting up and slapping the stop button himself.

“Why so much hate Jack, the poor stereo didn’t hurt a soul.”

“Hurt my damn head, that’s what it did.” I let out a chuckle at his response.

“So would you care to explain to me why you came home drunk and crashed in my room rather than going to yours?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Drunk…” he mumbled as he tried to recall.

“Yup,” I said popping the ‘p’. “You came banging at my door last night around 3AM absolutely hammered, and then made me sing you a lullaby.”

“I did?” he asked confusedly.


“Last night… fans… pub… PRIYA!” he yelled the last word.

“What was that?”

“She was absolutely gorgeous Finn. She has these long dark brown curls going all the way down her back, and her light skin was simply flawless. She’s got these wild eyes, big and green,” he continued to rave on about this Priya girl.

“And I think, I think I got her number!” he said excitedly. He felt around his pockets trying to find his phone. When he didn’t seem to find it there, he began to lift the covers of my bed, thinking it had fallen out during the course of the night.

“This can’t be happening,” he mumbled. “Don’t just stand there Finn, look for it!”

I sighed and pulled out my own phone, dialling his number. A ring came from my bedside table, more precisely from the fishless fish tank on my bedside table.

“How…” I mumbled.

Jack let out a shriek and went diving for his phone. “Oh thank god you’re okay. God bless you Finn for keeping your tank empty,” he rambled on.

“Yeah, yeah… Now get out, I need to get ready.”

“She texted me!” he yelled, ignoring my request. He frantically started texting back and smiled goofily at the screen. He then looked up to me and said, “I think I’m in love.” 

Double Trouble || Jack and Finn Harries (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now