Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Elizabeth’s POV

Oh god, what did I just do!?! Did I just meet Finn Harries and agree to go on a date with him!?!?

God damn it Elizabeth what is wrong with you?!? Ok, if Finn calls me I have to tell him that I can’t go out with him, it’s only fair since Jack asked me first...

God but Finn is so handsome! Stop it Elizabeth, this is wrong. You can’t see both of them at the same time!?!

I stood at the crossroads near the coffee shop. A car horn let out a beep, and my thoughts drifted back to reality.

“Shit!” I muttered underneath my breath. Now I was going to be so late to meet up with Jack. I had to go home and change right away!

As I crossed the street in a hurry, my thoughts lingered on in my brain once more, and the world in front of me slowly blurred out.

Ok calm yourself down.  You are going to go home, change and go on a date with Jack. If Finn calls, I’ll just tell him that I can’t go out with him. Simple as that.

I chanted the words over and over in my head as I came closer and closer to my flat. The world continued to buzz around me but I was completely tuned out.

You can do this Elizabeth; you just met the guy anyway. It won’t be hard to let him down.


As I walked into Nandos, the smell of chicken hit me right away. God, I haven’t been here in ages. It was packed as usual, the sound of chatter filling the room. It only took me a second to spot Jack, sitting at a table for two.

“For a second there, I thought you weren’t going to show up,” he said as I sat down. 

“Now why on earth would I do that?”I replied with a coy smile.

 “I’m sorry I’m late,” I said apologetically, “I got held up at a coffee shop down on Queen Victoria.”

Just then, the waitress came to bring us drinks and take our orders. Both Jack and I went with some classic peri-peri chicken. Guess we have something in common.

“Held up? At a coffee shop?” he asked puzzled after the waitress had left.

“Yes, some guy spilled his coffee all over me, so I had to go home a change.”

“Wow, that’s terrible. I wish I could have been there, I would have totally socked the guy”

As he said that, I chocked on my water. If only he knew...      

“Ha! I would have liked to see that,” I said after recovering from my coughing fit, “You don’t seem like the type to get into a tussle.”

“Well when someone spills coffee on a girl that I just happen to be interested in, I wouldn’t let him get away so easily,” he said with a charming smile.

I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. Why must I get embarrassed so easily?!?  He was staring at me with his glassy hazel eyes. I immediately felt my insides melt. I felt a strange vibration coming from my thigh. What the fu...

“I think your phone is ringing” Jack said, pointing to my pocket.

“Oh,” I said looking around, “Uh- thank you” I said embarrassed once again for not having realized. I reached into my pocket to pull it out; I notice a number that I didn’t recognize. I ignored it right away because I didn’t want to be rude; I was on a date after all.

“You’re not going to take the call?” Jack asked, concerned.

“Oh no, it’s no one important anyway,” I said brushing the question off.

As soon as I had just placed my phone back into my jean pocket, it started to vibrate again. I let out an annoyed groan as I pulled it back out to check who it was; same number. All right, I guess this person is really desperate to talk to me.

“I’m sorry Jack, will you just excuse me for a minute” I said as I got up and walked towards the bathroom.

As I walked away, I felt so guilty for leaving him there all alone. This person better have a good excuse...


Oh bugger! I had accidentally turned on my phone. I rushed to bring the receiver up to my ear.

“Uh...yes, hi...hello?” I answered hurriedly.

“Elizabeth! It’s Finn”

Oh bollocks.

“Hi Finn, umm...looks this isn’t the best time to call...”

“Oh it will only take a second, promise”

I bit my lip and looked around the washroom. I was completely empty. “Oh all right...”

“Are you free this evening?” he asked with a hint of hope.

“Well, it depends, where do you plan on taking me?” I replied in a teasing tone.

“Definitely not to a hobo,” he replied with a laugh, “Actually, I was thinking of cooking you something, though I should warn you, I’m not the best cook around.”

“At your place??” I asked worriedly. If Jack’s there too, I’m going to have to do a lot of explaining...

“Yes at my place, but don’t worry, we’ll be alone,” he replied surely, and if he were facing me, I’m positive he said that with a chuffed smile.

“Good, we’ll then you can just text me the address and I’ll be there at 7” I replied without thinking.

“Lovely. Well I will let you get back to whatever it was you were doing” and with that he hung up.

I put my phone away and while doing so I couldn’t help but see a foolish grin staring back at me in the mirror.

 God what have you gotten yourself into.

I had to admit, though this was morally wrong, it felt more like a challenge to me. Let’s see how long you can last being Priya and Elizabeth.

“Shit! Jack!” I said out loud as I realized he was still waiting for me in the restaurant. My reflexes kicked in and I immediately covered my mouth, but there was no one here to hear me anyway.  

Double Trouble || Jack and Finn Harries (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now