Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Finn’s POV

As I stormed down the hall, only one thought filled my mind, she doesn’t love me.

It was obvious; she didn’t tell me she loved me back the day on the boat. She didn’t even say she liked me at the very least.

Furthermore, she didn’t lean up the way she usually did whenever she wanted a kiss from me, nor did she embrace me with her long slender arms. She did none of those today.

Oh and let’s not forget the fact that she didn’t even try to persuade me to give her some time. Had she asked for some time, I probably would’ve given her all the time in the world. Neither did she try to make some sort of compromise; it was as if this whole thing was a game for her. 

And to be honest, I was starting to think it was.

At this point I was beyond frustrated. I repeatedly pushed the down button as I waited for the elevator, which seemed to be taking forever.

As if the Lord had heard my thoughts, a janitor came up using the stairs.

“Sorry kiddo,” he spoke in a raspy voice, “the elevator’s out of service. You’re going to have to take the stairs.”

As if I hadn’t been through enough today I know have to take the stairs. I nodded once before letting out a low growl and running my hands through my hair.

I can’t even begin to describe the miserable day I was living: I haven’t slept for the past two nights, I got milk spilt on me this morning, got tangled in my clothes while trying to get dressed, had a fight with Elizabeth, and now the elevator is broken, meaning I need to climb down the stairs… 34 painful flights of stairs… Fuck my life.

I dreadfully went down each flight. I know people say going down stairs isn’t as bad as going up, but they sure haven’t been down 34 flights of stairs, nor would I want them to. God it’s just too painful.

This day could not get any worse.

Going down the stairs, I once again returned to my original train of thought. Elizabeth.

I just didn’t get it. How could she not feel anything towards me, not even the slightest feeling of affection? We made love for god sakes! That has to mean something; after all, she was the one that initiated it. She’s the one that kissed me first, she’s the one that pulled me closer and she’s the one that turned off the lights. But it’s obvious; she wasn’t the one who fell in love.


I slid my key into the keyhole, but before I could even turn it clockwise, Jack yanked open the door and tackled me to the ground.

“Get off of me you lump,” I managed to get out.

“You will not believe what happened last night,” he smiled widely, not even caring about the fact that he was crushing my lungs.

“Will you get off of me first?” I somewhat threw up my hands.

“Yeah sorry,” he apologized before getting off and lending me a hand. I brushed off the dirt from my calves and ass before turning towards him.

“Alright what is it?” I asked.

“We had sex,” he said with the biggest grin.

“You had sex…”

“We had sex.” He repeated.

At least he’s going somewhere with his relationship.

Double Trouble || Jack and Finn Harries (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now