Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jack’s POV

I let out a sigh of disappointment as soon as she left. Well, I guess I’m left here alone.  Before I had the chance to think of anything else, my mobile began to ring.


“Jack! Hiya fellow!”

“Oh Sam! How’s it going?”

“Just checking in to make sure you’re still up for the drive rave tonight.”

“Oh god, I had completely forgotten about it! For sure I’m up for it tonight, you have everything ready right?”

“Yeah mate, all the cameras are ready for the filming. I even got Marcus to come along with us this time!”

“Wicked! This sure is going to be one hell of a drive rave!”

 “So whatcha up to?”

“I’m actually on a date,” I replied with a nervous chuckle.

“Blimey! Why didn’t you say so earlier, I wouldn’t want to keep you away from a girl that you fancy. I’ll let you get back to her mate.” And with that he hung up before I even had the chance to tell him anything more.

By this time, our food had arrived, but there was still no sign of Elizabeth. The smell of chicken tickled my nostrils, but no matter how tempting it was, I wasn’t going to start eating without her, I am a gentleman after all.

Luckily she emerged from the hallway just a couple of minutes later. She seemed flustered and out of breath when she sat back down.

“Is everything all right?” I asked worriedly.

“What? Me?” she asked nervously, “Oh no I’m dandy.” Her facial expression changed, and she now bared a huge grin, as if to prove her point.

“Okay...” I replied to her a little nervously. I was sure she was hiding something, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it... “Well, the food arrived while you were gone,” I said, changing the subject.

She looked down at her plate, and smiled with delight. I guess she hadn’t noticed it yet. She dove in immediately, so I did as well.

“God, I’m so embarrassed to say this, but I was so drunk last night that I honestly don’t remember much about what we talked about,” I said guiltily.

“Oh don’t worry about it, I actually don’t remember much of it either,” she said with a giggle.

“So what do you do?” I asked. I was curious after all.

“A model,” she replied with a smile, but it soon disappeared.

“Wow, a model! That’s very impressive.” Nice, I’m dating a model! Wait till Finn hears about this...

“And you’re a YouTube sensation, so I think you win,” she said with a wink.

“A gorgeous model beats an average guy making a living by uploading videos on YouTube.”        

“Well here’s an idea, how about we play a little game to get to know each other a little more?”

A game? Well this should be interesting.

“Absobloodylootely,” I answered, a little too excited, “so how does one play this game?”

Before answering me, she called the waitress over and asked for a large sundae with two spoons.

“A sundae?”

“It’s for the game,” she said teasing me, “All right so basically the game is called bullshit. We each have to say one true statement and one lie. Then the other person has to figure out which is the lie. If that person is wrong, they have to take a scoop.”

“Sounds simple enough,” I said confidently, “But I’m afraid I‘m going to be eating most of this sundae.”

“Maybe not, I’ll give you an easy one to start off with,” she replied and cleared her throat, “I like dogs and I am a vegetarian.”

“Oh c’mon now, that was too easy,” I said laughing, “You are clearly not a vegetarian, especially since you just ate chicken!”

She couldn’t stop giggling. “See you’re good at this game!”   

“Ha-ha, give me something a little more challenging then that”

“Oh alright,” she placed her chin in her hand as if in deep thought, “I was born in Scotland and...” she paused in thought once again, “I have two sisters”

“Now see that’s a tough one because both scenarios are possible!”

She laughed at my answer and sat in her seat with utter joy, just waiting to hear what my answer to that one would be.

“Well I’m just going to go out on a limb here a say you weren’t born in Scotland”

“Ha-ha, you got it wrong!” she said teasingly, “Now you have to eat some,” she said shoving a spoonful of ice cream my direction. I gladly took the bite full, chocolate just happened to be my favourite.

“So you don’t have two sisters?” I asked curiously.

“Nope, I got myself two older brothers instead,” she replied, popping the p.

“Well then, you’re Scottish not English,” I had to admit, I was surprised, “Yet you have an English accent.”

“I grew up in Nottingham, we moved there when I was three years old. My brothers on the other hand, have the Scottish accent.”

“Nottingham? Huh, so I’m assuming you moved to London because of your career?”

“Yes sir,” she said with an enormous grin, “But enough about me, it’s your turn.”

“Oh right. Okay let’s see...” I paused to think of something good, “I did not grow up in London and I hate tomatoes.”

“How could someone hate tomatoes?” she asked, astonished, “I think I’m going to have to go with that one”

“Tsk, tsk, wrong choice,” I said while shoving a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth, “Now you’ve got to eat two scoops for questioning my hate more tomatoes.”

“No!” she protested, but it wasn’t convincing enough, even to her. She burst into giggles and willingly took another scoop.

“I’m going to get you back for that one,” she said while shaking her spoon at me.

“Bring it on; I’m not afraid of a challenge.”

Double Trouble || Jack and Finn Harries (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now