✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore) This Is Our Town

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"Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

"Electra you're not helping." Elena scowled.

I smirked and held the punching bag for her as she took out her anger. Mixes of punches and low kicks were thrown my way, Elena's own emotional rollercoaster. Sweat formed on her brow as she concentrated. She hadn't stopped for a break in a while, and I didn't think she would anytime soon.

"Come on, Lena." I smirked at her, "I can barley feel the bag move."

Elena gritted her teeth and swung harder. Each blow she gave was full of power and strength. I admired her determination. The chains holding the bag up rattled.

"Stop terrorizing your sister," Alaric rolled his eyes as he entered from his bedroom. I found it quite strange, even if he was a vampire hunter, that he had a punching bag in the middle of his apartment. But I was in no position to judge.


"No you're not."

I smirked at my sister, "You're right. So do you want to talk about it?"

Elena briefly stopped hitting the bag and stared at me. I watched as her eyes flashed with annoyance before presumed her workout. Each hit was stronger this time, and the one hand hold wasn't going to cut it.

"You're getting stronger." Alaric observed, as she nodded in reply. I knew that yesterday's events were getting to her. Stefan's words had cut through her, and hurt her more than she thought was possible. It was written all over her face... and her hits, "Seriously though. What's got you so worked up?"

"I didn't really sleep last night." She admitted.

"Yeah, me neither." Alaric admitted as well, "Probably something to do with dying..."

I briefly looked him over, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine. I think the ring, however, is running low on batteries." His eyes down casted for a moment. I watched him closely, observing him. It was bothering him evidently. The ring's power running out was definitely a scary thing.

I had noticed as well that every time that Alaric died, the ring would take longer each time to resurrect him. Honestly, I didn't know if a spelled ring could run out of juice. Witches were very powerful beings. It seemed very unlikely to me that their magic would all of the sudden wear off.

"Yeah, it's another reason why Jeremy has to get out of town. If those rings have a shelf life, he is not protected, neither are you." Elena nodded in agreement as she threw another punch this one with all of her strength.

"Not bad, not bad." I mused out loud.

"I'm just channeling frustration." Elena stopped to catch her breath. She wiped her forehead, ridding it of sweat and then nearly whined, "I need coffee."

Elena walked over to Alaric's kitchen counter, and disposed of her gloves. I could smell them from here and they weren't pleasant. In a few moments she had made herself some coffee as she moved to stand next to me.  

"Electra," Alaric addressed me suddenly, "Your compulsion worked, Jeremy was packing when I left the house, going on about his new school in Denver."

A sharp pang of guilt ran through me. The last thing I had ever wanted to do was take away my brother's free will. Deep down I almost had hoped that the compulsion didn't work. But I knew that was unlikely.

"Oh. Good." I murmured.

"Have you talked to Damon today?" Elena then asked.

"No. Not since last night." I replied. My lips quirked up into a small smile. Last night had been a bliss, an escape from the drama of my everyday life. Damon had accomplished what I had asked. He had helped me forget for a little while. Sex could always be a great distraction especially with Damon Salvatore, "Why?"

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