✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore) Finale

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            Elena’s alarm went off, she turned up the music and got out of bed. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and danced a bit in front of the mirror. She turned to grab her pom poms and then threw them onto the window seat where her cheerleader uniform was laid out. After changing into her uniform, Elena walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Aunt Jenna was making coffee.

            "Hey." Jenna greeted as Elena walked in, "Where's your sister?"

            "Probably giving Jeremy a half assed lecture. He locked himself in the bathroom again. Does he think we don’t know what he’s doing in there?"

            Jenna smiled, "He’s 14. They don’t think." Elena went it grab the coffee pot, but Jenna took it back, "Hey, you'll get me in trouble."

            A small laugh was then heard from the corner of the kitchen. Electra Gilbert rolled her eyes at how oblivious the two were they hadn't even heard her walk in. "You do that all on your own Aunt Jenna."

            Miranda Gilbert walked into the kitchen just after greeting her youngest daughter, Electra before walking over to Elena. "Good morning you two." She kissed them both on the cheek.

            "Morning mother." Electra teased with a smile. Elena rolled her eyes at her twin's reply. Elena then put on a smile and went back to her overly bright self.



            I stood in the hospital pacing back and forth. Elena had collapsed last night after I had left and had hit her head. Jeremy called me in the middle of the night freaking out that she wasn't going to wake up. Supposedly, Elena had blood streaming down from some orifices.

            Thinking quickly I instructed him to take Elena to the hospital. I had wanted to heal her but I knew that when Elena was better she would have given me so much shit when she realized what I had done.

            Explaining to Damon that I had to leave him with dumping Klaus' body alone because I had to tend to my older sister wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. He understood and promised he would call

            " She’s going be fine. She got a little banged up today, hit her head, but it was just a slight concussion, nothing to worry about." Meredith Fell told Jeremy and I with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

            Jeremy shook his head, "But she collapsed, there was blood."

            "Jer we have to believe her." My eyes cut to Dr. Fell's and they twitched under pressure, "She is the expert after all."


            "Elena... You're so heavy." I groaned as I helped her up the front steps of our house, "Why didn't you listen to me and lose some weight."

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