✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore) The Ghost Maria

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"Hello, Electra." Her voice was soft as her warm brown eyes met mine, "We haven't been formally introduced yet I'm afraid- my name is Maria."


This wasn't possible. It wasn't real - I was dreaming. This was all just a nightmare, nothing more nothing less. But how could I deny what was right in front of me? As I looked at my reflection the only difference being our hair and a tiny bit of age difference a few years at the most. She fiddled with her sun dress, pulling it down.

She couldn't have been alive for all of these years? Maria was over a thousand years old and her last entry in her journal didn't conclude anything about her being turned... did it?

My eyes were wide with fear as I swallowed.

"You're not real." I insisted trying to maintain a steady tone. Her eyes met mine as she raised a brow as if unbelieving.

"I certainly am."

Her voice - my voice sent chills down my spine. Even if the way she spoke was more elegant and accented it still freaked me out. Now I understood how Elena felt when she met Katherine.

"Electra," My name fell from her pink lips, "I know you must be frightened but -"

"Who said I was scared." I scoffed instantly my eyes narrowed as I stared down at her seated form on my bed. How dare she act like she knew.

Maria sighed, her blond hair falling around her face, "This is going to be far more difficult then I had planned. I only ask, Electra, that you listen to me. I'm sure you have questions and I will answer them, but I do not know how long I have here so please be patient."

I pursed my lips at my look-a-like before silently nodding. I had wanted answers from her for a long time. Those journals didn't even compare to the real deal. I realized that only Maria could help answer my questions about myself.

"Before you begin, I have one question : How are you here?"

Maria smiled faintly.

"Something has happened, and now... spirits can cross into your world. I am here to help you during what little time I have left."


"What is the point of this?"

I trudged through the woods trailing behind Maria. We had been walking for about forty minutes and counting. The sad part was that we hadn't even gotten that far. Maria had stopped numerous times to look at certain wild flowers and smile at the small animals that lived here.

So basically she had doubled the amount of time it would normally take to get out here. I couldn't bring myself to snap at her though. Her personality was childlike. I mean sure she was mature but everything about live amazed her, it captivated her attention intensely. She reminded me of myself when I was little, or- before mom and dad died.

"This is it, we're here."

I looked around but didn't see anything except trees.

"Nothing's here." I sighed looking at her, "I don't see how this is helping me in any way shape or form."

"This place... was my home."

Furrowing my brows I looked around again but this time I paid more attention to detail. We were in a center circle, trees lined the outside perimeter. I realized that some civilization had made the tree line like that back in the day. They had done something to the soil so nothing could grow inside of the perimeter.

It was weird to try and imagine this place nearly a thousand years ago. Especially since America wasn't even discovered until a much later date. I suppose that the theory's about Vikings and such were true- they discovered here not the Europeans.

✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now