✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore)

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NOTE! If you haven't already, I would suggest you read my K & E series featuring Katherine and Electra. If you don't, you will probably be confused on references used in the story! :D

Also! I do NOT own THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, t.v show plot! This story is only made for fan-loving-reasons. I am not taking credit for that. Although! Electra Gilbert is MINE only and if you take her I will come after you! ;)

Chapter One : Birthday Surprises

"Home sweet home."

I grinned tossing my bags down on the hard wood floors. They fell with a bang, but I didn't care. My smile widened as I skipped around the foreclosed home.

It was the largest one in Mystic Falls at the moment, perfect for now. Seeing as though I couldn't go home until someone invited me inside. So, until then I was stuck here. Oh well, I'll be sleeping in my old bed tomorrow night.

Bored out of my mind I walked over to one of the several plastic covered couches and sat down upon it. Whoever moved away from here must have been so rich that they could afford to leave their furniture.

Seriously though... who in Mystic Falls is that rich?

No one I knew that's for sure. It was mid day, the sun was in the middle of the sky. Elena, should be out and about, for sure knowing her. I took the time to ponder her reaction to me being alive.

It would definitely involve crying, that was a guarantee. That and she would probably be extremely disappointed in me for not coming back as soon as I knew I was alive. I grimaced thinking of the major lecture that I would receive.

Today though, was our birthday. I smirked at the thought. No doubt Caroline would throw an extravagant party trying to take my sister's mind off of things. Such as her celebrating our birthday without me.

Caroline always did have an amusing way to cheer us up. Most of the time it didn't work. But Elena would pretend it did, while I would roll my eyes and grow aggravated. This will definitely be a birthday that Elena would never forget.

My cell phone rang breaking my thoughts.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Happy Birthday Electra," Katherine's voice rang on the other line, "How's Mystic Falls? Did you freak out everyone about you being alive yet?" She giggled.

"Thank you, and no I haven't," I replied, rolling my eyes, "So why are you calling me?"

"What, I can't call you just to wish you a Happy Birthday?"

I chuckled, "No, you can't."

"Fine you caught me. Truth is I just thought that I'd give you a heads up that your boy-toy is still after Klaus and Stefan."


"Who else?" Katherine asked mocking me, "Yes, Damon, and that guy Alaric their at one of the Klaus and Stefan team murder sites. They got there before I could even check it out."

I scowled, "Why can't he just mind his own damn business?"

"I've been asking myself that question for years..." Katherine replied.

"I guess just keep me posted." I said, while I ran a hand through my hair, "I'll murder him for it later."

"No you won't."

"Shut up." I growled annoyed.

I went to hang up but was stopped by Katherine's protests.

"What?" I sighed.

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