✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore) People Not So Ordinary

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The walls were closing in on me. Drips of salty water swiveled down stoned walls to the dirt floor. Smells of mold and crippled stone filled the air, constricting my breathing. It wasn’t pleasant. Rats scurried along the ground picking eating whatever they could find.

In the tunnel surrounding me it was pitch black. The only light being two flashlights a little ways ahead. Two humans- my sister, Elena, and Alaric held them firmly. Their footsteps were heavy and rustled.

“So the Lockwood’s really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?” Elena asked.

The two of them still had no idea of my presence. Or should I say ours. I glanced down to my hand to see it intertwined with Damon’s. His thumb massaged my hand gently as we stalked behind them.

“Careful where you shine that thing,” Alaric instructed my sister about her flashlight that was moving frantically back and fourth. I could hear her heart pounding, “Bats hate the light.”

Elena froze instantly, her breath caught short. She hated anything to do with creepy crawly. The hand with the flashlight instantly dropped down from the ceiling as I pulled my hand from Damon.

“Wait what?” She asked.

I smirked taking quick light steps until I was right behind her. I leaned forward just a tad to be closer to her ear.


My whispered breath hit her ear lightly as she practically jumped onto the ceiling of the tunnel. Elena turned around on a dime and shinned the light in my face. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and her heart beat was erratic.  

“Damn it Electra!” She hissed catching her breath, “You’re not funny.”

“Scaredy-cat.” Damon teased as I heard him say as he approached us.

Elena’s eyes narrowed, “Neither of you are.”

“Oh come on Elena lighten up.” I said.

“Just ignore Damon,” Alaric said his voice cold, “That’s what I do.”

I glanced at Alaric to see him frowning in a disapproving way. His gaze wasn’t locked on me though it was on Damon. The two of them had been going through a rough patch in their friendship. Well ever since that night that Damon decided to kill him for no reason.

“So the two of you really can’t get in?” Elena asked breaking away from her moment of aggravation. My eyes locked with hers as I shook my head.

“No, Damon said that it wasn’t possible.”

Damon nodded, “Yeah apparently the ancient Lockwood’s were anti-vampire as well.”

“What do you mean ancient?” Elena asked.

✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now