✮ A Bloodlusting Romance ✮ (Damon Salvatore) Victory At Last

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            "Electra... Electra..." I moaned in annoyance, rolling over onto my other side. My eyes felt like lead. Elena's persistent hand continued to shake my shoulder. Placing my pillow on top of my head I attempted to ignore my disrupter, "Lec, please get up."

            "What?" I mumbled.

            "I need your help."

            I threw the pillow off of me, "With what exactly?"  The clock on my nightstand six-thirty AM. I rubbed my eyes realizing that she wasn't going to let me go back to bed anytime soon.

            "Jeremy can't carry the bed himself, so could you help him?" Elena pleaded.

            "Why the hell does the bed need to be moved?"

            "We're kind of painting..." She informed me with a sheepish smile.

            I narrowed my eyes at her, "And this couldn't wait until I got up? No, no you know what? I'm going back to bed." I said reaching for my pillow.

            "Electra don't be like that." Elena patronized.

            After a few more minutes, I gave up on my beauty sleep. The bed that I had to move was Alaric's. The sheets and comforter had already been torn off and only the mattress remained. This room was a dark place. First it had been our parent's then it had been passed on to Jenna and now Alaric no longer resided here either.

            I placed the mattress and the bed's frame in the hallway. I had honestly tried not to leave a scratch on the wall but I wasn't that lucky. It was a small scratch of black only a few inches long, but I knew Elena would notice it sooner rather than later.

            Once the paint had been mixed and poured Elena, Jeremy and I started painting. The color definitely wasn't my taste. It was an ugly dark pine green and I know it'll dry darker. Honestly, I wasn't sure if we had any furniture to match it but I don't Elena had realized that yet.

            "This is too early." I sighed, getting my roller wet with pain. Elena rolled her eyes as Jeremy snickered. I knew he agreed. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching the room. I looked up to see Stefan. He took in the scene slowly and looked either impressed or confused I wasn't sure.

            "Going darker, huh?" Stefan asked.

            "It’s the only color we had." Elena replied as she examined our work so far. She then grimaced probably realizing that we had nothing to match it.

            "That’s what happens when you decide to paint your dead guardian’s room in the middle of the night." I dropped my roller back onto the tray.

            Stefan nodded slowly, "I don’t suppose anyone tried to talk you guys out of doing this so soon."

            "Well... I didn't want to get up so I count that as trying to talk her out of it."

            "We have to keep moving," Elena said after taking a long pause to roll her eyes at me, "Otherwise we’ll start thinking and we don’t want to think."

            "Want a hand?" Stefan asked.

            Jeremy then interrupted just as Elena was about to speak, "So, are you two like back together or something?"

            "What? No, Jer, we’re just…" Elena stuttered.

            "I – I was just checking up on you guys. Seeing how you were doing, after everything." Stefan  covered Elena after her nervous speaking.

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