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I was sitting in class drawing circles on my notebook. The teacher at the front was explaining a topic to the class I had already learned at my previous school. I was bored and I didn't pay any attention. I continued drawing circles until a second pen turned one of my circles into a smiley. When I looked up from the notebook, I was faced with a smiling Ollie.

He scanned my face for a reaction and I chuckled. He turned a few more circles into smileys as well, while I watched him.

"Oliver, would you pay attention please? I get that you have a new seat partner and she seems to be more interesting than this class, but for the sake of your grades, please at least try to listen to me," our teacher said.

Ollie blushed slightly and moved a few inches away from me. He nodded at the teacher's request and looked at the whiteboard. I tried my best to hide the smile forming on my face and glanced at him from the side. I noticed he was trying to do the same and both of us chuckled.

Five minutes before the period ended, our teacher handed out sheets of paper with instructions for a group work. Everyone had to work with their seat partner and later do a little presentation on their appointed topic.

"Do you wanna do the project at my house or at your house?" Ollie asked me while we were walking to our next class.

"Um, I'd prefer your house if you don't mind. We're still kind of moving in and there are boxes everywhere, it doesn't look very inviting," my first lie. We were perfectly moved in and our house looked great, but I didn't want to bring anyone home so soon. I had only gotten to know him and I still had to be careful considering who my father was.

"I don't mind. Can I have your phone for a second?" he asked.

"Um, yeah," I unlocked my phone and gave it to him.

He saved his number into my phone and handed it back to me.

"I sent you my address," he stated. His address sounded familiar, I was pretty sure I had read it on one of my walks.

"Thank you," I smiled.


After school the same day, I made my way to Ollie's house. It only took me about five minutes to walk there. His house was in one of the a little bit wealthier neighborhoods, but it wasn't as big as my family's. I rang the doorbell and a few moments later it was opened by a brunette woman in her mid-40s.

"You must be Isabella. Come on in," she smiled at me and took a step to the side.

I walked inside and looked around. They had a beautiful house. The walls were painted in a beige color and there were various family pictures on the walls.

"Ollie! Isabella is here!" his mum shouted and I saw Ollie jog down the stairs.

Ollie's eyes lit up in excitement and he greeted me with a smile. His mother said goodbye and walked away. I followed Ollie upstairs and he led me into his room.

Three walls of his room were painted white and one was painted red. A Ferrari banner was hanging on his wall and an electric guitar was leaning against the wall.

We set up our things on his desk and started doing some research for our project.

"How come you know so much in class?" he asked after a few minutes.

"We were a bit ahead at my old school," I explained.

"Maybe you should give me private tutoring," Ollie suggested.

"I could do that," I replied.

"Where are you from anyways?"

"London and before that a few different smaller cities. We had to move a lot, because of my parents jobs," I said.

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