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♡ 💬➢

liked by paularon_, nicorosberg and 32,786 others

livrosberg consider this a soft launch or whatever

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milagastaldi: hell yess!

lewishamilton: congrats!

nicorosberg: excuse me, what?
user1: iconic

user2: is he a driver?
user3: well she has been in the paddock this year...

user4: omg I wanna know who it is

user5: loving the outfit

danielricciardo: when am I gonna get introduced?


Ollie and I had been dating for almost a month, when I decided to announce it on my Instagram. He once told me he wasn't that active there and since I didn't share his face, I just spontaneously posted a picture of us.

What I didn't realize when I pressed post was that my dad also had Instagram and he followed me. I noticed, when I saw his comment and knew once he'd return home, he'd want to talk to me.

I wasn't really worried about the conversation, because my dad already met Ollie about two weeks ago. We didn't mention the part of us dating to my dad, because we wanted to wait a bit until telling people.

Until I posted the picture, only Mila knew. I hadn't even told my mum, even though she probably already guessed, because Ollie and I were spending nearly every day together.

Except for those days when he wasn't in town, or in the country. Sometimes it almost seemed like he was jetlagged after missing a few days of school.

I tried asking him about his absences, but he made it pretty clear that he didn't want to talk about it.

Since he had once mentioned a doctor's appointment, I didn't wanna push him into telling me something he wasn't comfortable in sharing.

I was currently in my room packing my suitcase for the next race. Fortunately, I had easter break and my dad and I were going to the track on Thursday.

We would fly there in the morning and I was super excited, because I hadn't been to Italy in years. Mila and I were planning on doing a track walk Thursday evening. It would be the first time in a while that we would spend more than just a day together.

I closed my suitcase satisfied with everything I packed so far. There were still a few things missing, but mainly things I'd still need before my flight.

There was a knock on my door and a few moments later, Ollie stepped into my room.

"Hi," he smiled and gave me a kiss.

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