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Spending our break in Monaco was a blessing and a curse at the same time. Because the Grand Prix had just taken place there were still a lot of people walking around and exploring the city, but on the other hand summer was starting to begin more and more. The water was warm enough for us to swim and Mila's parents had allowed us to take their yacht and we gladly did so.

The two of us were laying on the sundeck in our bikinis bathing in the sunlight. The boys were in a different part of the ship talking about their upcoming races.

"Liv?" Mila asked and I only hummed in response.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"What do you mean?" I turned my head to I could see her face.

"About Arthur. He kissed me, but ever since then it's been very weird between us," she was shielding her face from the sun with one hand.

"Ask him out or at least talk to him about it," I said.

"But why didn't he ask me out? Or did he just kiss me for fun? Ugh, I'm so confused!"

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

"I'll just wait a few more day, but if nothing has happened by then, then yes please talk to him," she sounded quite sad and I felt extremely bad for her.

I closed my eyes again and turned my head back. A few moments later, it grew darker and I opened my eyes.

Ollie was towering over me grinning.

"What are you grinning about?" I smirked.

"Just you," he lent down further propping his hands next to each side of my head.

He pecked my lips and pulled back again.

"Hey!" I pouted and he chuckled shaking his head causing a splash of waterdrops to fall on my face.

"Ollie!" I groaned.

"What's going on?" Arthur had appeared as well sitting down next to Mila.

I saw her body tense almost immediately at the sudden closeness of him. While I was distracted watching them, Ollie had picked me up bridal style and started to walk away from them.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and sent him a questioning look.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Carrying you, obviously," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm, "I've got legs you know,"

"Well, we don't wanna overuse them,"

"Why?" I asked and Ollie shrugged his shoulders.

We had reached the part of the yacht, where you can easily jump into the water. Ollie set me down on the ground again my arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Don't you wanna let go?" He asked taking a step towards me.

"Nope," I took a step backwards, feeling the edge of the ground with my feet.

"Besides, if I would, I couldn't do that," I spoke and took another step backwards pulling the both of us into the water.

"Liv!" Ollie shouted before we dove under water.

I let go of him and swam a few meters away, but he was the faster swimmer and easily caught up to me in a matter of seconds.

He grabbed me by my ankles and pulled me back to him.

"You can't escape me that easily," his hands went to my waist, pulling us even closer together.

"Tsk," I let out and ruffled through his hair.

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