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My continually frequent paddock appearances drew the attention of multiple different people. I was getting e-mails and dm's from people I had never talked to before. Besides the usual fans, brands were reaching out to me in hopes of a collaboration.

Since all this attention was new to me and the last time I had partially been in the spotlight was a lot of years ago, I didn't really know how to act.

I talked to my dad about it and he gave me permission to do whatever I wanted. He said he would support me no matter what and I was grateful for that.

One brand I had been a customer of for a long time reached out to me during the weekend of the Italian Grand Prix. I accepted their offer and before I even realized what happened, I was sitting in a car to London with a fully packed suitcase.

The photoshoot would take place on Wednesday and my parents allowed my to skip class for it as long as I would catch up on everything I missed.

Ollie flew to Italy on Thursday to do some sim work at the Prema headquarters.

I was appointed a driver who would take me around London and to all the photoshoot locations. He drove me to a hotel and unloaded my suitcase.

After I received my keys, I took the elevator upstairs to my room and changed my outfit.

The first part of my photoshoot would start in the evening because they wanted to take photos during the dusk. The second part was scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Since I still had a few hours to spare, I decided to explore London.

I had visited the city many times prior and I already discovered a lot of beautiful places.

Mesmerized by my surroundings, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into someone.

The book I had bought a few minutes ago fell to the ground and I bent down to pick it up. The person I had bumped into beat me to it and handed it back to me.

"Thank you," I looked up and my eyes widened, "Paul?"

"Liv," he smiled and took a look at my book.

"The summer I turned pretty, really?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Not a fan?" I asked.

"I hate love triangles. There's always one person that gets fucked over and everyone expects them to just get over it," Paul spoke.

"It's just a book, it's not that deep,"

"Yeah, whatever. What are you doing in London?"

"I'm here for a photoshoot, what about you?"

"I'm meeting with some potential sponsors and I'm doing sim work for Mercedes at their headquarters," Paul told me.

"How long are you staying here?"

"Just a couple days. Do you wanna go get some coffee?"

"I don't know, if that's a good idea," I said.

"It's not a date, I just wanna catch up with you. I haven't seen you in weeks,"

"Fine. Let's go to Susie's Café, it's amazing there,"


We sat down on a table in a corner and order our drinks.

"Photoshoots, huh? How did that happen?" Paul smiled.

"Well, I guess since I've been to the paddock a few times this year, I've caught the attention of some brands and they reached out to me,"

"Is this your first photoshoot?"

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