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Travelling had become a huge and extremely time-consuming part of my life. Not just because Ollie was my boyfriend, but also because I had decided to attend as many f1 races as I could.

I knew that I wasn't keeping up with my schoolwork as much as I should, but in my opinion, it just wasn't a priority. It being my last semester, I wasn't as motivated anyways.

My parents weren't so happy about my lack of attendance at school, but since there hadn't been a drastic negative change to my grades, they were willing to still allow me to go to races.

Especially the next race was one I couldn't possibly miss. The Monaco Grand Prix had always been like a home race for me. My favorite memories were of my dad winning it three times in a row and even though he wasn't racing anymore, Monaco would always have a special place in my heart.

Because I had been travelling so much recently, I had left some items in my suitcase, which made packing a lot easier and faster.

I was sitting in my last class for the day lost in thought. I was biting the end of my pencil going through possible outfits I could pack.

There wasn't a f3 race, which meant I would spent most of my time in the f1 paddock instead. Because it was Monaco after all, I couldn't just pack casual clothes. Luckily I had been shopping the past weekend dragging Ollie alongside me, even though he wasn't the biggest fan of it.

"Liv," he nudged his shoulder against mine.

"Hm," I mumbled, not paying attention to his words.

He placed a hand on my thigh and slowly moved it upwards. My eyes immediately locked with his and my full attention turned to him. He smiled victoriously and pulled his hand away. I shot him a glare and he started talking.

"Do you wanna sleep over at my house tonight?" he asked maintaining eye contact.

"I have to ask my parents first," I sighed.

Even though my dad had finally accepted Ollie being my boyfriend, he didn't really like us sleeping in the same bed.

The door rang interrupting my thinking process.

I grabbed my stuff and followed Ollie outside of the classroom. He put an arm around my shoulder while we walked to my locker.

I unlocked it and he leaned against the lockers next to mine with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What if your parents won't allow it?" he moved a hand through his hair.

"I could sneak you into my room," I put a book into my locker.

"Not again, I almost fell to my death the last time I climbed through your window," he shook his head.

"God, don't remind me," I groaned.

"How about you tell your parents you're sleeping over at someone else's house?"

"Like who? I don't really have any friends in the area," I reminded him locking my locker.

"Make something up," he shrugged his shoulder and put his arm back around me.


I had finished packing my suitcase and closed the zipper. While I was picking out stuff for the weekend, I had packed my backpack for the sleepover at Ollie's house.

There was a knock on my door and a moment later, my mum entered. She was holding a small box in her hands, which she handed me.

I sent her a confused look after inspecting the box.

"Birth control?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes, I thought it would be a good idea for you to start taking it,"

"Uh, yeah sure," I mumbled.

"Did you and Ollie already..?"

"What? No," I shook my head. My mum and I were close, but we had never talked about those intimate things with each other. Not like there had ever been an occasion to talk about it.

"Well, you've been together for a while now and I just want you to be safe," she smiled.

"Thanks," I said and she turned around to leave my room.

"Can I sleep over at a friends house tonight?" I asked.

"What's her name?"

"Sierra, we have a few classes together and she invited me," I lied.

"How lovely, see you tomorrow then?"

"Yes and thanks again,"

After dinner, I headed out of the house with my backpack. I turned of my location and texted Ollie I'd be at his house in a few minutes.

Before I could ring the bell, the front door opened and his little sister greeted me with a wide smile.

"Hey Amalie," I smiled.

"Hi Liv," she opened the door for me to enter and walked to the bottom of the staircase.

"Ollie! Liv is here!" she shouted.

There was no reply and I stepped next to her after removing my shoes.

"He's probably driving on the sim," she shrugged her shoulders.

Her eyes grew bigger and so did her smile, "I could show you my room, until he's finished,"

"Sure," I agreed.

I followed her upstairs and she opened the door right across the staircase. Her name's letters were placed on the door and she opened it.

My gaze immediately went to her shelves filled with trophies and medals. The walls over her bed were decorated with posters of horses.

"What do you think?"

"It looks great," I walked over to the shelf.

"Thanks," she smiled.

The door opened further and Ollie stepped into Amalie's room. He was sweating a lot wearing his gym clothes.

"Liv?" he moved a hand through his hair, "What are you doing here?"

"I showed her my room," his sister replied.

"I was driving at the sim and I lost track of time," he stepped in front of me and cupped my face, "I'll take a quick shower," he pressed a kiss on my forehead.

While he was showering, Amalie explained to me where she got all her trophies from.

When Ollie returned, he was dressed in fresh clothes and his hair was still slightly wet.


Ollie's dad dropped us off at the airport the next morning. We would come to the track right in time for the third practice session. Since Ollie was part of the Ferrari Driver Academy, the team invited him to watch the race from their garage. He invited me to join him and organized another paddock pass for me.

It felt unfamiliar to stand in the Ferrari garage instead of the Mercedes garage, but in general there weren't that many differences.

Because it was Charles' home race, his side of the garage was completely packed. Ollie and I were standing next to each other, wearing our headphones and watching the cars drive on the track.

We returned to the garage for qualifying and afterwards, I showed Ollie my old house.

Instead of staying at a hotel over the weekend, Mila invited us to her house. Ollie and I slept in the guest room and after settling in, the two of us went out for dinner.

I loved being back in Monaco after all these years and it felt like I had never left. After we left the country, my parents sold our old house to a lovely family with two kids.

We had decided to spend the upcoming May break in Monaco and since the boys didn't have a race any time soon, we planned on doing a lot of things together.


author's note:

bit of a shorter chapter this time, still hope you liked it.

the final chapter count will be 45!!

have a great day/night everybody <3 

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