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It had been about a month since I moved to Chelmsford. Ollie and I had spent nearly every afternoon together and after a lot of attempts, I was able to drive around on the skateboard. It still wasn't my favorite thing to do, but as long as I got to spend time with Ollie, I didn't mind.

I knew I had definitely started to develop something for him. The time since I had met him was great. I had rarely been able to be myself that much with anyone before.

It's pretty safe to say, I knew from the first time I met him that friendship would never be enough for me and I was scared of that.

Scared of committing myself to someone and scared of rejection.

But as long as I didn't act on my growing feelings, I didn't have to worry about them. As long as they didn't grow too much.

A waving hand snapped me out of my thoughts.

"God, where were you?"

"What do you mean?"

Ollie and I were sitting on my desk doing homework.

"You just completely zoned out. What were you thinking about?" his brown eyes were scanning my face for an answer, since I wasn't responding.

"Just stuff,"

He nodded slowly, bit his bottom lip and twisted his head to the side slightly. He did that when he was thinking. His perfect brown curls were bouncing a bit when he moved his head and his lip turned into a brighter shade of red when he released it again.

"You need a distraction,"

"Hm?" I wasn't paying any attention to his words.

"You need a distraction," he raised his hand, but put it down again.

"We should do our homework," I said.

"You have a lash on your right cheek," he ignored my reply.

I wiped my cheek and looked at Ollie.

"It's still there," he said.

He reached out and used his thumb to grab the lash. My heart sped up when our skin met and I blushed. He held his thump in front of me and smiled.

"Make a wish,"

I closed my eyes and blew the lash off his thumb.

"What did you wish for?"

"If I tell you, it won't come true," I smiled.


I was on my way to one of my favorite places. The ice rink. Growing up I was one of those kids who were sent to a special hobby by their parents. I however got to choose the hobby and since I had always enjoyed watching the figure skaters on tv I wanted to try the sport myself.

It was my favorite thing to do. I even preferred it over karting. I was never the best at it, but I didn't want to be. I didn't want to compete in a championship, I wanted to do it for myself.

The mixture of the coldness of the ice underneath me and the heat that coursed through my body due to the movement felt amazing. Gliding over the ice was relaxing and the freedom I felt when I was flying through the air was unmatched.

I wasn't able to do any crazy tricks, but the basic jumps and pirouettes were enough for me.

Ice skating helped me to clear my head and to think about absolutely nothing for a few minutes.

I pushed open the door to the hall and a wave of coolness hit me. Even though it was quite cold outside, there wasn't any snow and it wasn't under 5°C (41°F).

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