Chapter 25

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There he was, handsome as ever, and my heart raced when I saw him. Part of it is because he left that note, and now I'm in the one location he tried to keep me away from. Due to my love for him, I had a hard time lying to him about what happened with Wes and me. I loved Wes, but it was nothing compared to the love I felt for Derek. But here he was, some facial hair, not a lot, but he was already not shaving when he was home, no time to, but he was standing in front of me. With a look of fear and regret in his eyes. There was also a look of knowing, maybe that I knew, that I had seen him with the one man who we were trying to stay away from.

It occurred to me that he might be aware of the fact that he lied about his activities and where he was going. After writing the letter. Especially now that I was seeing him after a long few weeks. Yet, here he stood, fear, regret, disbelief, right before me, holding the phone in his hands. The worst part was, that he was working on the one illegal thing, not even Lee agreed with. And that's how I knew, he was reaching for trust with his father.

"Addison, Damien what the hell is she doing here," He asks, looking at Damien and then over to Lee who is holding me still. But Lee doesn't move. Faith runs to Derek, licking his hands, Derek doesn't oblige her though.

"She is my new help, well her and Faith, Lee was bailed out this morning and came looking for you two, he's agreed to come back to the fold, and keep an eye on her," Damien explains, in very vague details. Derek still had fear across his eyes, looking from me to Lee.

"No, no you promised she would be safe if I came back with you," He said tossing his phone on the table and moving forward. Damien put his hand up, stopping him from running towards me.

"And she will be, Lee is going to watch her, as long as she does what I say, she will be fine, I made her a deal," He said.

Derek looked at me, shaking his head in disbelief and disgust. I bite my lip looking away for a moment, and close my eyes trying not to cry. Seeing him scared for me, hurt. And to think I slept with his best friend while he wanted to protect me, hurt worse. The guilt ate at me.

"I promised her five minutes with you each day, with Lee's supervision, and you can see each other at lunch and breakfast, dinner is another story, you won't have much time to sit in the evening hours, but Lee has agreed to let you two spend five minutes together each day," Damien said. I look back up, looking at Lee this time, he winks, solemnly, trying to not get noticed. I pretend to break my voice for a moment.

"I-I'm sorry," I say, Derek shakes his head looking away, and turning his body to face the wall. He's wiping his face, probably tears.

"Now now, Derek, she will be fine, so long as she does as I ask, no need to be worried," Damien says, baiting Derek. Derek turns on his heels.

"What kind of deal did you make with her, and why do you need her," Derek says, angrily. Damien scoffs. Looking at me. I don't say anything.

"We need her and that wolf, let's say it's part of a done deal scenario, someone sees a wild wolf, and the one who can control her, they'll do what we want," He says. Derek shakes his head as if to say it's crazy that he thinks that.

"If I had known you weren't going to leave her alone, I would never have left, you lied, and broke the deal," Derek says through his teeth. I look at Lee, Damien is too busy, looking at Derek. Lee nods to me, telling me to wait a minute. As Damien and Derek stand arguing about their arrangements, it gives me and Lee a moment to talk in facial expressions. If it were possible.

Lee starts looking between Derek and Damien, then at me and raising his eyebrow. Derek doesn't trust Damien, so that could be used to an advantage in trusting Lee. I knew what he was telling me. I nod, and Lee clears his throat. Derek and Damien look at Lee, I take a silent breath, he's about to get somewhat physical because I feel his grip tighten, but enough to leave a bruise or mark. He is being as gentle as he can be.

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