Chapter 35

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Another week had passed. April was just about to end. The weather had begun to warm up even more now. And Adrian and I found ourselves outside in the gardens a lot. More training than anything though. And since Wes's speech to me, I couldn't help but feel bad about the way things played out in front of Adrian that night at dinner. I had apologized several times about it, and about Damien I just wanted him to know I was not normally like that. He had told me over and over that it was fine. That he had seen worse fights with his father and mother back home.

Seeing the sunshine and having barely any rain was normal for us. But today, we were seeing clouds overhead. Adrian warned me to bring a jacket. Even in the low seventies, the rain would be cold, if it did rain. I didn't listen, I wore a thin jacket, like a hoodie, and some blue jeans. We were not training today, So comfort was on my agenda. It was time for a break in the gardens. And since Damien was still locked up, and Lena was still in her coma, what better time to take a break? Derek was helping up in his office all day, and Wes was running errands for him. Dwayne took the day off to help Wes, and Dad and Walter stood guard inside the cells.

Riley and Matthew spent the afternoon in the gun range downstairs, and Chloe was with Noah in the lab. So it was me and Adrian with Faith, by ourselves, in the garden. Since Tracy wanted to day drink, it was pointless to invite her along. She would get herself killed or worse. Our plan was simple, walk the gardens, sit down for a bit, and then go inside for dinner. Adrian walked beside me, looking at me. He had a black T-shirt and a pair of dark wash jeans on. Today was his day to dress down. And he had his gun too, in case something should happen. This would be the best afternoon.

'So, after two weeks we have known each other, I think I am beginning to understand you, Rosa," Adrian says, walking down the path. I nod looking at him.

"And what do you understand," I ask genuinely. He stops mid-way before answering.

"I get the reason you are in love with my cousin, you see a broken soul, a lot man, and you wish to fix him, he is a treasure if you will, though he may be controlling and demanding of you, you know he does care deep down, and that is why he is hard to get over," He says. That's true. It has been hard, but there was something familiar about Adrian, something more, filling.

"Wow, great perception, though you forgot one tiny detail about him," I said. He tilts his head.

"And what is that Rosa," He asks. I smile.

"He has an amazing and charming cousin, whom I have come to trust and rely on," I said, he smiled. He knows I am talking of him.

We continue until we get to a bench just near the end of the garden. He sighs and I love to see him in thought. He takes everything in. And he does it well. It looks peaceful when he does it.

"You know Adrian, I have enjoyed our time together," I said. He nods.

"And I as well," He said. Something about his character was just genuinely sweet and kind. And even though I didn't know a lot about him, I felt that I had known him for a long time.

"Tell me something about you, what did you do before this?"

"Well, my family is from Italy and my mother is Latino. They moved there when I was just a baby. My father is in the Italian mafia. But not the kind that is into drugs, he is more like a money pusher, anyways, we moved there to Italy when I was five, and I spent fifteen years there, before moving to the States, and getting into the academy, I stayed to myself, always the lonely type, I graduate from the academy and start my life as a security personal, loyal to my team," He stops mid-sentence. I look at his face, he seems hurt by this story.

"I apologize, I have never told anyone my story before," He says. I nod and smile at him.

"Before I helped my cousin with the first problem, I got a call from my mother, my grandmother had passed away, I went home again, for my father to tell me what a disappointment I am to his legacy, I never really cared about joining his legacy, but he wanted me to, so my brother did, after the funeral I moved here to the state permanently, In New York, before moving to Detroit, and now I am here," He says. I place a hand on his arms. There was that jolt again. It felt as if my stomach had been doing cartwheels.

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