Chapter 9

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That was Dwayne's voice. He was yelling for me. I didn't know if that meant stay or run. Either way, I was scared. Someone drugged Dwayne and then shot at Wesley and FAITH! When I ran inside my room, I ran out with whatever might have been left. Dwayne had someone down on the floor fighting them. Wesley was lying on the bed with no blood; he had been knocked out, too.

"Addison, call Derek, hurry," he said, holding the guy in a sleeper. This man was probably mid-40s. Skinny but built. He was not your average run-of-the-meal guy. Probably a burglar. Or someone waiting to kill an innocent girl. Either way, this was the second time someone had broken in. And I was pissed. I took Wesley's gun out. Dwayne shook his head.

"Addison, no, don't kill him," he said. Wesley started to stir. And I saw her. Lying in a pool of blood.

"Faith," I whisper. She whimpers. No, no, no. I started to cry. I got mad, and At that moment, something came over me. I turn my attention to the man. He is smiling. Dwayne finally hits him on the back of the head. The guy stops. Falling into Dwayne. This was an assassin sent for Faith. She's alive, but she's hurt. Wesley gets up, looking at Faith.

"Addison," Wesley says under his breath. I start hyperventilating. Where is the blood coming from? Her leg, her stomach? Her throat? Where is it coming from? I walk over slowly, falling to my knees. My tears are still falling. Damien wanted Faith gone. But she was still breathing. Dwayne kneels.

"You're not dying today, Faith," he says, picking her up. All hundred pounds of her. Maybe more. He was always stout. Perhaps that's why he drugged him. I kept staring at the blood. It was hers. Dwayne exits the room with Faith while Wesley ties the guy up and drags him outside into the hall. Using the intercom to call code yellow. Meaning injury.

"Hey Addison, Addison, come on," Wesley says, grabbing me up. I can't think. I'm still bloody myself, and now Faith. This is happening too fast. Always something.

"Addison, please look at me," he says, setting me on the bed. I can see his concern for me. But I can't say anything. I'm in shock or a state of mind where I can think. Tyler runs in while Derek is looking at the guy in the hall. Wesley moves away. Tyler bends in front of me.

"Hey, listen to me, Addison, look at me. Come on," he said, touching my face. I look at him, tears in my eyes. I realized I'd just seen Faith, my beautiful wolf shot. I grab him around the neck, crying. He rubs my back. He's a sweet guy.

"Come on, Addison, calm down; Faith will be okay," he said. Derek runs in, seeing the blood on the ground. He pats Tyler. I let him go for a moment before Tracy runs in. Grabbing my face.

"Hey hun, hey, it's okay, it's okay, she's still alive down there, Chloe is with her," she says. The first day, his mom comes in, and I get hurt, and my wolf gets shot. This was a war Damien started. And he wanted Faith out of the way. Derek shows Tyler the blood. He curses.

"Mom, get her out of here; Tyler and I will clean this up, take her to Riley's room, stay with her, Wesley go with them, Dani go check on Faith," Derek says. Everyone had a job, all but Walter.

"Walter, we need your help watching that bastardized outside or interrogating him now. I don't care," Derek says to Walter. He nods, grabs the man, and drags him down the hall. Tracy and Wesley both help me. Wesley had been like a son to Tracy. They had known each other for a long time.

They bring me to Riley's room, and Tracy sits with me. Rubbing my arm. Wesley talks to Riley and Matthew. Matthew curses, hearing that his uncle would be alone with the guy in the room. He had a right to be afraid. But he deserved it. Dwayne stayed with Faith after hearing Tracy and Wes with me. Wes told Riley to find me something else to put on.

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