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Chanel pov
Mentions of OD

Walking around the hospital to the front office, after checking on my patients.

"Hey, Chanel" Jasper said coming over as I smiled at him.

"Hey, Jasper" I said as he walked over to the front desk.

He sighed leaning on the counter as I rolled my eyes looking at him.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"Ask me how ive been today" he said looking at me as I snorted shaking my head.

"Okay, how are you today?"

"Well, good so far. Ask me how i was two days ago" He said as i sighed.

"How were you two days ago" I asked turning to him.

"Well, had a baby and a mom come. I guess she flushed him in the toilet or some bullshit. And then yea"

"lets see, two days ago I was on a boat. Laying there then i woke up" I said turning towards the laptop and signing in.

"Yeah, well yesterday i had some dude come in for a dog bite" he said bragging as I looked at him.

"And i'm your boss so, get to work" I smirked waving him off as he groaned walking away.

"I have a ICD-10-CM T47" someone said coming into the hospital with a kid on the gurney.

I ran over checking her heart "Faint heartbeat, bring her to room 5. Start compressions. Now!" I yelled seeing no one moving.

Grabbing my walkie talkie from my pocket i grabbed it "Jasper, Ari, and Rachell I need you to room 5 now" I said grabbing a clipboard before going to room 5 seeing the others also going.

Grabbing gloves I put them on before taking over the heart compressions.

"Okay, come on " I said before starting them again.

"Come on, come on"

"She's fading" Some called as i looked at her heart monitor.

"30 compressions 2 breaths, or did you forget?" Someone said as I looked at them.

"Shut up! and get out now" I said going back to compressions.

"Okay, good job" I said seeing her heartbeat slowly going back to normal.

"May Grant" I said reading what the others collected before.

"We need to empty her stomach" I said as we got her ready.

About an hour later she was fine and stable.

"You did good today, Nel" Jasper said coming over as I sighed.

"No i didn't, i yelled at someone. I almost lost her cause he was saying what i knew" I rambled as he grabbed my shoulders turning me to him.

"Chanel, shut up. You're Chief Resident. You are allowed to tell him to leave if he was telling you dumb shit you already knew, Okay. I dont care and hes an intern you have to give them tough love okay" he said as I nodded looking at him.

I let out a breath smiling at him.

"Chanel you have a CPS in room 5"

"Thank you. I will be right back!" I said to Jasper going to room 5.

"Everything okay in here" I asked coming in as May smiled at me.

"What's going on" her dad asked.

"When a child attempt's suicide, then they need to go through an independent assessment protocol to determine why. And to see if they're at risk to try it again" I explained.

He turned to Karen  "Okay but, we can tell you what the cause is"

"Im sorry. But they have to talk to her alone, only to find out if it had something to do with you guys. And from what I've been told it doesn't" i said looking at Karen as ai spoke.

"She will be admitted tonight, put on a 24-hour watch, and evaluated in the morning" Karen said.

"I dont want to stay here. I want to go home!" May said

"The evaluation may take a couple of days, but we will notify you if we have to move her, and what facility" Karen said as I looked at Athena and Michael.

"Facility? You listen, this girl just endured a life-altering trauma. She needs to be home with her family" He said looking at her.

"Look, you dont need to do this" Athena said as Karen looked at her.

"You're a police officer. You know what I'm authorize to do if you dont let me do my job" Karen said as I tried not to roll my eyes.

"Mama, please. Please dont leave me" May begged looking at her.

"All right"

"Dont go" she begged.

"Look, look, look, calm down. All right, we all have to follow the rules. They-they just want to find out if you're okay. All right? Now, you tell them everything, you understand? you're safe, and you'll be with us in no time. Can you be brave for me?"

"I love you" Athen said looking at May

"i love you too" May smiled as her dad came over.

"i love you, baby" he said going to leave when i stopped them

"Look K-Karen if i may, I know Athena she is an amazing woman, and she would never harm her children, a-and kids do thing's sometimes, and from what I've heard this was a school related incident so if you should be talking to anyone it should be the kids from school. You know people have told her to kill herself and they can be in jail for up to three years. So instead of taking it out on them go to the school. I can keep May her for the 24 hours and i will watch over her. And as a Doctor I've seen a lot of abuse cases and more most dont beg for the abuser to stay with them. And i dont think they would say i love you unless they were held at gun point, and with all the security we have her that would be impossible" I said. I didn't know Athena but from what I've seen she would do anything for her kids.

"Fine, but I'll be here early tomorrow to talk to her and get her statement" Karen said looking at May and then leaving.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, when Michael and Athena walked over

"Did i just do that" I asked myself when Athena came over to me.

"You did. and i cannot thank you enough" she said hugging me as i smiled hugging her.

"And im sorry for lying about knowing you" I said once we broke the hug.

"I know im the law and all but i cannot thank you enough" she sniffled.

"And im Athena Grant" she said shaking my hand as i shook her's.

"Chanel. Chanel Nash" I smiled as she looked at me wide eyes.

"Nash? As in Bobby Nash" she asked as I nodded a little confused.

"Ohh" I was clearing my confused "Forgot you guys are like friend's from firefighter's and cops" I said laughing a little.

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