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Chanel pov

She stuck our her tongue and it went to the side of her mouth

"Whens your birthday?" Buck asked looking at her

"Right, its, um... April" she said looking a little confused

"Okay. Take my hand, come with me"

"Im gonna go get teh TPA injection ready" I said looking at Buck as he nodded at me

"What-whats happening?" David asked looking at me as i got the stuff out

"There's a clot that's preventing oxygen to get to her brain, so her synapses are misfiring" I explained as Buck held out her arm as i tried to find a vain

"That could cause her to speak with a British accent?" Athena asked as i nodded, finding a vain before giving her the shot

"Some symptoms are still unknown. Some people wake up from a coma and can speak Mandarin, Spanish and much more. Put your arm right there. Okay, lets get them both to the hospital." I explained as Buck helped her down the stairs and the man followed me down.

Buck and I were laying on my bed watching tv, we both had the day off but told my if he needed any of us we can both come in at any time

"Did you know your dad made a dating website yesterday?" he asked looking at me, as i pinched my eyebrows together


"Yup, Chim and Hen caught him, and he had a bunch of bad stuff written down" he laughed as i smiled a little

"Im happy for him, he hasnt really been on a date since he was 20" I said looking at him

"That's good, maybe that's what he needs, to get himself out there" he said as i shurgged

"As long as he's happy, and doesnt get hurt i support" I said laying my head on his chest

I was sitting at the table in the fire house with everyone else, we were going over my dad dating profile to try and fix it, Buck wasn't lying his profile was bad.

"What the hell Even Buckely" A lady said coming up the stairs cutting Chim off

"Can we help you?" my dad asked looking at her confused

"You lead me on for six weeks? The sexiest, deepest, more romantic, most intimate relationship I've ever had with a man." she said as we all looked at eachohter wide eyed

"I told you everything. You told me everything. And i am not an easy nut to crack. Is this your sick game? Make a girl reveal every fear and secret and turn-on, and then you just disappear? Is ghosting girls just your thing?" She said as he looked at me and i shrugged sitting back in my seat

"Im sorry, are you sure you have the right Evan Buckely?" My dad asked looking at her

"You mean the Evan Buckely who's a firefighter? Who works here and was on the news, and climbed a roller coaster and looks exactly like you?" She said looking at him, as he finally looked away from me

"Listen, yeah, sure, that-that is definitely me. but the-the me that i am, and the him that you're describing, that is not the same person" he said as she slapped him and we all stood up



"You see that?" he asked chuckling a little, he turned around to see us all looking at him

"No, no, i swear, i have never seen her before"

"If you say so" Hen shurgged

"No, i do say so. Okay, i swear, i-i dont know who that was. Right, come on, guys. i haven't even flirted with anyone since i called it quit with Abby an-and me and Nel have been talking" he said as we all sat back down

"Sure, you haven't" Chim said looking at him

"You're proof that real change is possible" Hen added as the alarm went off

"Guys" he sighed as we all walked past him

"Nel, please" he said grabbing my hand

"I believe you, but we have to go" I smiled squeezing his hand

"Hen, Karen will come around" I said looking at her

"I mean, if she knows you, she had to know that it wasn't you that night. You were someone else, possessed by the full moon" I said looking at her as i grabbed my bag

"Was it? I dont know, Nel's. How can i claim to be a family woman, a faithful woman, when i did that? What if i've just been pretending with Karen. " she asked as i put gloves on

"Wait, does that mean you dont wanna get back together with her?" I asked looking at her putting her gloves on.

"Of course i do. i love her. I'm just dealing with an existential crisis" she said shutting the side of the ambo as we made our way over to the house

"Like, what if that's not who i am? Can we be together now that ive exposed my true self? What if i, what if I'm a completely different person?"

"Like a different person? Like you aren't lesbian anymore?" I joked looking at her

"Well, looks like we came to the right place to get you some answers" I said looking at the "Psychic reading" sign in front of the house

3rd person pov

"Time of death 3:30 p.m" one of the emt's said the second they walked into he house

"Guess we're a little late" Hen said coming in the house next to them

"No, no, no, dont call it. hey, hey im not dead. Come on, Lyle! Wake up!" the "Dead" guy yelled at himself

"Yours is in there. The stuff is ours" the EMT said looking at Chanel as she nodded

"No, no, no dont leave! No, please. Please dont... Wait! Help me!" he yelled as the EMT zipped up the body bag

"i dont know what happened. He just keeled over. Fell like a stone. I had just finished reading his palm. This man's lifeline was really long" The psychic said looking at Chim, Hen, Athena and Chanel

"Well, its not an exact science, now, is it?" Chim asked looking at her

"Left hand please" Chanel said looking at her as she grabbed a sphygmomanometer putting it on her arm

"Relax for me, and take deep breaths" Chanel said looking at her

"I'm just saying making one crazy mistake, you know, doesn't make you a completely different human being. It just makes you human" Chanel said going back to their conversation from earlier.

"It wasn't a mistake, it was a choice, Nel. And i got to ask myself, why? Why would i make that choice? Risk everything?" She said looking at Nel grabbing her stethoscope and checking the ladys heart

"Would you like a quick reading from me?" The lady asked looking at Hen

"I'd like for you to keep breathing into this bag and mind your own business"

"I knew she was gonna say that" The lady said now looking at Chanel

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