Thank you

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I would just like to say thank you to everyone who was read, commented and voted on my story's

Writing has always been something i like to do

Recently something has happened with one of my sorrys, i put alot of work into it and it randomly disappeared

Thankfully i did get it back, but this has made me realize i do want to stop writing

I don't wanna put so much time into things for them to randomly disappear

Im sorry, and thank you all.

I appreciate and love all of you.

I'll miss writing but it's for the better with college and work, i'm just too busy.

I may come back to writing but for now i have to close the laptop and take some time

~ Author


guys i would literally never stop writing

But i do love and appreciate all my supporters, you guys make me wanna write <3

All I Wanted • Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now