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Chanel pov

I yawned stretching, kicking Jasper off the bed.

"Oh shit" I laughed sitting up.

"You always do that" he groaned rubbing his arm.

I shrugged grabbing my phone and putting in on the charger, since Jasper had it all night.

"Got work today" he asked laying on my bed as i rolled my eyes.

"I have work everyday, Dumb ass" I said getting up and going into the bathroom.

I took a shower, wrapping a towel around me as I got out, brushing my teeth.

Going into my room to grab a bra and underwear I laughed seeing Jasper now asleep.

I went back into the bathroom getting dressed into black scrubs, with a white coat over.

Making sure I had everything I need, I grabbed my bag, phone and wallet going to my car.

I grabbed my phone calling my dad, but no answer. Assuming he was on a call I ignored it going to the hospital.

Walking in I saw Ari at the front desk "Good morning, babe" She smiled looking at as I groaned waving her off.

"You okay, love" she asked as i nodded.

"Jasper still like's to kick in his sleep" I said sitting at the computer next to her.

She snorted "He still wont move out" she laughed as I shook my head.

"He says we will stay best friends forever living together" I laughed signing into my account.

"Anything major today?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Nope" she said rolling her eyes, as I hit her.

"Dont say that like its a bad thing, we like when people aren't hurt" I laughed shaking my head when she waved me off.

"Hey, you seen your dad lately" she asked when I shook my head.

"nah, why?" I asked yawning.

"Is he still hot" she asked wiggling her eyebrows when I slapped her arm.

"Ari shut up!" I said grabbing my clipboard.

"I might go see him, we aren't busy and I'm always a zoom away" I laughed signing out.

As she nodded, following me to the changing rooms.

"Damn" I mumbled pulling out jeans and a crop top.

She whistled as i flipped her off.

"I forgot about these" I shrugged taking my scrubs off and placing on the jeans and crop top.

"Hey! Hey if you can send me a pic of your dad" she smirked as I walked away ignoring her.

3rd person pov

Chanel was driving to see her dad as Howie was currently giving him shit. when he commented about him getting denied when he proposed to his girlfriend.

"Probably for the best" Bobby said and that's how an argument broke out.

"What was that?" Howie asked looking at him.

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I...I didn't mean anything by that, you doing okay?" Bobby asked placing the spoon he was using to cook dinner down, and facing him.

"Of course you meant something by it "Probably for the best"? There's a lot of meaning behind that. What you dont, you dont like her?" Howie asked turning his body towards Bobby.

"I never said I don't like her, I don't like her for you" Bobby said.

"And what does that even mean? No. come on. come on with it, wise man, Uh-just say what you want to say, cause I'm getting real tired of you standing there, just silently judging me with that-. Yeah, right there, with that smirk on your face. You know you're always so quick-"

"Chim" Bobby said but he ignored him still talking.

"-to comment on everybody's life, but you completely shut down whenever we ask you about yours. Why is that? huh? I mean, how long have we work together, Bobby? I know nothing about you. I've never even met your wife and your kids. You know why? Cause all you do is sit there, brooding, staring in that little book of yours" Howie said looking at him.

"You know what? You're upset, lets drop it" Bobby suggested.

"Oh, my god, Bobby. Come on, just say it! What is it!" Howie yelled.

"All right, you're living a lie, man! you let her manipulate you. You pretend to be somebody you're not when you're around her. Making up storied to satisfy some her fetish of hers? what is that" Bobby yelled looking at him.

"You know what? Maybe i wouldn't have to make up stories if everyone once in a while, you let me take point on something. I have to operate the winch, right? And The Maneuver? I can do The Maneuver"

"I know you can. That's not the point here. Chimney, this relationship that you're in is fueled by lies. Come on, you asked me to make you two dinner so you could pass if off as your own. She's not in love with you! She's in love with this fantasy version of you" Bobby said.

"you know what? I feel real bad for your wife. I really do. Must be tough living with someone who thinks he's right all the time" He said leaving, as Chanel was driving to get dinner for her and her dad, and Howie was driving to get some air.

When all the sudden Howie swerved on something in the road, earning in him hitting a car.

Chanel's car.

She let out a breath as she stopped right in front of those concreated stopper things, as Howie was behind him.

"No, no, no" she kept repeating still in shock.

Looking in her mirror when she heard honking only to see a truck driving towards then hitting Howie, earning in him hitting Chanel her car going right into the concrete stopper.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency"

"Can in my car.."

"Sir, I cant understand you. could you speak louder please"

"Send help.. I-i just got in a car accident, and the car in front of me looks horrible. I-i dont even know if they're alive"

"Hello?" Bobby said answering his phone.

"Who is this?

"Okay " he said hanging up the phone.

"All right, everybody, lets gear up! Lets go, Lets go!"

"For what? i didn't hear a bell?" Evan asked confused.

"Its Chimney" he said not knowing his daughter was also in the accident, worse than Chimney.

"10-36 Auto emergency!"

They arrived at the scene.

"Captain Nash?" someone asked coming over.

"yeah, thanks for calling." he said shaking his hand.

"Your guy is this way. He wouldn't let anyone else touch him. We're still trying to see how to get the person out of the first car its bad" the other firefighter said leading Booby and them over.

Bobby chuckled "That looks like my daughter car, but she's in North Carolina" he smiled talking about her until he got closer.

The sticker he gave her when she got the car was on the back.

"W-who is that" Bobby asked stuttering.

"We aren't sure yet" the other guy said looking at him.

"Sir, we got the name back its registered to Chanel Nash"

"C-Chanel" Bobby yelling running over to the car only to be held back by Evan.

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