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3rd person pov

Chanel was lying in her bed, she had a cold cap on her head since her head started to hurt after she got home from the scene.

"I dont wanna go" Chanel whined not looking at Buck or Chim

"Come on, please. We found the IP, we're gonna trace it and go to the address and put an end to whoever is pretending to be me" Buck explained as she groaned

"Fine, but you're buying me food. Now get out so i can get dressed" she spoke glaring at the two

Dressed in jean shorts, a white crop top, white convers, and off the shoulder pink sweater, Chanel got out of Howie's jeep and following the Buck and Chim

"Hey! Hey, catfish!" Buck yelled knocking on the door, "The jig is up"

"Easy, guys, now keep a cool head" Chim spoke up as Buck looked at him

"This guy's a criminal. Come on, freak, we got your number. Open up"

"Maybe he's not home" Chanel shrugged looking around, "LAFD! Come to the door!"

"Must be a recluse, or a meth addict. He's black out all the windows" Hen sighed as he tried to look through the window, before jumping away

"Oh, this is not gonna be pretty" Chim spoke noticing all the flys in the RV

"How does this happen?" Buck asked as the three looked at the now deceased man

"My guess? Heart attack"

"Its kind of sad, you know?" Buck spoke looking at him

"The corner said he's probably been lying there ten days" Chanel added

"And no one notices?"

"The guy was a shut-in. The park manager says no one's seen him in, like, two years" Chim said as one of the workers pressed on the dude's stomach making it gurgle

"Well, its tragic"

"Lets not forget, this was on online predator" Howie said glancing at Buck, "Was he, though? It's not like he was tricking women into hooking up. He never went out"

"If he could even get out" Chim scoffed, "Why are you defending him?" Chanel asked looking at him

"Im just saying. It's kind of a bummer, you know? He hated himself so much he had to pretend to be someone else" Buck shrugged as one of the workers looked at him, "Dont get a lot of cases that bloat this much. Body's probably doubt the size it was at time of death. Bloat set in after rigor mortis, filled with methane and CO2, along with decomposition fluids, probably 'cause its so hot in here, and he expired with a full stomach. I just dont know how to get him out of here. We either got to knock down this wall, or... roll this whole thing down to the morgue" he explained as Buck looked out of the window noticing a crowd forming and people trying to take pictures

"No, no. Okay, look, this guy may not have lived with much dignity, but maybe, he can die with some. I mean, these people are already treating him like he's a circus sideshow. Now, lets not make it any more of a spectacle. I know a way we can get him out of here in a body bag"

"That's a great speech, but that would take hours"

"Why? You just drain all the gas and gunk and stuff"

"We would have to use large bore needles and start the embalming process here" the worker said looking at Buck

"Okay, so lets do that" Buck suggested as the worker sighed standing up, "He's dead. He doesn't care if people are gawking at him. All right? He doesn't have any feelings to hurt anymore"

"Listen... " Buck began walking closer to the worker

"You are not about to beat up a coroner, now are you, Buck?" Chanel asked amused as Buck grabbed a knife from behind him

"No! No!" the coroner yelled once Buck stabbed him in the stomach

"Ugh" Buck groaned as puss and blood got all over him, "Nice work" the coroner scoffed looking at him

"Yeah, i thought he was gonna pop" Buck spoke looking at the deceased dude

"I told you, draining him is going to take time"

"What do you got, dinner reservations? Lets get to work, ok?"

"Oh, God"

"Oh, my God" Chanel and Chim almost gagged seeing them begin to drain the dude's stomach

"It that it? Is it done?" Buck asked seeing no more stuff coming out of his stomach

"I think so" the coroner spoke when all the sudden blood gushed out of him as Chanel and Chim yelled

"Oh, God!"

"Oh, my God. Oh, God"

"Oh, no"

"No, no, no. Oh, no" the two spoke at the same time as more puss and blood began to come out of his stomach

"I blame you, Buckley" Chanel gagged, "Nel, you've seen worse" He spoke as she waved him off, "I wasn't prepared for this!"

"All right, guys, clear a path. Come on. Move back, please. Have a little respect. Out of the way. Thank you" Buck said pushing the crowd back as they wheeled the covered body out of the RV

"If you ever do some nasty shit like that again, im gonna slap you" Chanel spoke walking into her room after her 5th shower

"Ill allow it. I think 5 more minutes in there and Chim would of threw up his lunch" Buck laughed sitting at her desk, she made him hose himself off before coming into her house, and then shower 6 times, and burn his clothes

"I think i did throw up" she shuddered sitting on her bed

"Still wanna get food?" he asked looking at her as she slowly looked at him, "Dont make me make you leave. Please dont speak of food for the next week" she laughed as he smiled getting up and sitting next to her

"How was your 5th shower?" he asked as she shrugged, "Better than the last. I just need to feel as it it's off of me" she laughed as he smiled looking at her

"What?" she asked looking at him

"I didnt say anything" he said putting his hands up in defense

"Your look says enough" she said waving him off, as he laughed a little before placing his hands on her cheek leaning over and kissing her

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