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Chanel pov
So like i wanna put the calls of the 9-1-1

I was bored since I didn't work today so I was at the fire station hanging with my dad, even said if anything happens i can go

I smiled looking around "So different" i smiled sitting at a table.

"Well, duh" Buck said as i flipped him off.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency"

"Oh my god! The floor.. the whole thing just collapsed.

"Sir where are you calling from?"

"A wedding, downtown. Please hurry!"

The bells went off as everyone hurriedly got dressed, as I was sitting in the chair eating some furit.

"Chanel now!" My dad yelled as I got up going over to the truck and getting in.

"Bruah, you could of at least let me put pants on" I said looking down at the tennis skirt I was wearing.

"There's shorts under, right?" Hen asked as in nodded.

"you're fine. lets go"

"Maybe next time you'll get your own uniform" Buck said as I flipped him off.

We arrived at a wedding, apparently they were dancing and the floor caved, and down went the shawtys.

"16 DOA so far" Buck said as we walked over to him "Mostly blunt trauma to the head or crushed by falling debris or other bodies"

"Okay, ill check them out on the way as they go out the worse will go in one, the not as bad can go in another" I suggested as my dad nodded.

"One victim impaled"

"they fell through two stories" I said looking up to see the floor was in fact gone.

"I wont be surprised if that number goes higher" I said when all the sudden Buck grabbed another hard hat from Hen before putting it on my head.

"Ah, thanks" I smiled at him.

"Captain, the groom is devastated-his bride hasnt been accounted for yet"

"We will find her. Buck, Chanel, im gonna need you to go up top. Access to the second floor is blocked. We're gonna ahve to tackle this thing from both ends" he said as I looked at him.

"im literally in a skirt" I said as he smiled at me.

"Chop, chop"

"Come on, Nel. I don't bite" Buck smiled at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, do it" I said as he tied mine and his rope around a pole, and then around us.

"Wait, if i literally dying I'm haunting you. Thank god for shorts under skirts" I said as we both slowly levered ourself down from the top floor.

"help!" A man yelled "In here" he yelled once more

"i got you" Buck said as we both landed on the second story, to see his leg was stuck under some flooring.

"My leg.. i think its broken" he said as I crouched down next to him.

"Okay, can you feel it"


"Its a 50/50 if its broken, you could be losing feeling cause its under something heavy or its broken" I said as he nodded looking at me.

Me and Buck slowly began to move the flooring off of him, tying him to mine as Buck held onto my hand so I wouldn't fall, we slowly levered him down as Hen and someone else caught him.

"Come on" he said as he untied the rop from around him, before tying it around both of us, as we went down now on the bottom floor with everyone else.

"Buck. Buck, get over here, give me a hand" My dad called as I untied us from the rope.

"Chanel stand by just incase they need medical attention right away" he said as I nodded.

"She's not moving" Buck said once they found the bride.

"Is she breathing" I asked crouching down next to them, placing two fingers on her wrist as it was the only thing I could reach.

"Faintly" I said looking back at them.

"Come on"

"you got it?"


"shes waking up" I said moving more things from around her.

"Hold on, stay still. Stay still" Dad called to her.

"Here, come here. give me your hand" I said as she grabbed my hand.

"Can you move" I asked as I felt someone grab my waist so I wouldn't fall.

"Okay, go very slowly, okay?" I said as she nodded slowly crawling out from where she was

"its okay, its ok" My dad said grabbing her other hand as he pulled her out.

"Watch your head" Dad said as he stood her up.

"Savitia" Prem said coming over, as they hugged as I smiled.

"You can let go now" I said as Buck nodded loosening his grip from around my waist and letting go.

"Damn, i need a fat as nap" I said breaking the silence, when my dad picking up something from the ground.

"Is the owner here?" My dad asked as Hen nodded pointing to him.

"Yeah over there"

"what'd you put on the third floor! what did yo put! you think i dont know what this is?" Dad asked tossing metal at his feet.

"what's the matter with you!" The owner yelled once my dad grabbed him by the collar


"thats-thats Kal-Pal" My dad yelled as I gasped to be dramatic but having no idea what he's talking about.

"That stuff's been banned! You didn't reinforce the concrete with steel. Instead you used that crap!"

"Shake ah my head, shake ah my head" i said shaking my head looking at him.

"This used to be a two story building. That floor that collapsed that was the roof, wasn't it" Dad asked yelling at him.

"Wasnt it" Dad yelled as the owner nodded.

"Bobby!" Hen yelled.

"You know what you did, you son of a bitch! You're going to jail. that's manslaughter" he yelled as i noddd.


"Captain, captain, captain" Hen said going over.

"what?" my dad yelled looking at her.

"Come away. What is wrong with you?" she asked as she pulled him away from the owner.

"Back off, Hen"

"Back off, really? Not 24 hours ago you were saying, help. what happened to that?"

"that was low" I said looking at them, as he sighed walking away.

I shrugged walking away going back to the hospital as i did not wanna be here, i am bored.

"Sup, whores" i smiled coming into the break room as Ari got up running over to me.

"My baby!" she yelled kissing my cheek.

"Muah, muah!" I laughed hugging her, before breaking the hug as we walked over to the couches.

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