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Chanel pov

"I'm fine, Jasper. I can go back in" I said as he looked at me

"You arent gonna wanna stab her cause she says something to you?" He asked as i thought for a second

"Ill give you a second, im gonna grab some cake before they eat it all" He said getting up, kissing my forehead and then leaving

"Hey" Buck called coming over as i rolled my eyes 


"Whats wrong" he asked sitting next to me "She didn't mean it like that" He added

I might of been a bit dramatic, but im not gonna back down

"Then what did she mean it by, all "Ever done any surgery's" Like duh? How else would i be Chief Resident, if i didn't do any surgery's or anything" I rambled as he went to speak but i stopped him

"A-and then you are like sending me some mixed signals and stuff, and then you like bring her as a date?" I said looking at him as he sighed 

"Im sorry, i really am. I didnt mean to send you any signals" he said as i scoffed standing up, as he stood up

"Fuck you" I said moving past him, hurriedly wiping the tear that fell as he followed me and called my name 

"Chanel, come on" he called as i went up the stairs and grabbed my bag ignoring everyone looking at us

"Dad, lovely to see you guys and hang out. But im going home, and im not sure when ill be back to do calls with you guys"

"Chim, glad you're alive and back, not glad you hit me, but im gonna go, nice party" I smiled hugging him also as Jasper came over to me


"No, Jasper. Im going home, i cant" I said as he nodded 

"Nel, please!" Buck called out following me to my car

"No! Leave me alone, ill make sure to not mix up any more signals you send" 

"- then i told him somewhat off and left" I shrugged as Ari laughed a little at me

"Girl, i mean, you did sleep with his roommate-"

"no! almost, we only made out" i said rolling my eyes, as Jasper came into the hospital in his scrubs

"You work?" Ari asked as he nodded

"Yeah, Rachell called off her moms really sick so she had to go back home, and she called me to cover her next shifts and i agreed" he explained 

"Did you know Jack is trying to get us to do an always on call for police and firetruck's?" Jacob asked coming over 

"Wait what?" I asked confused

"yup. Apparently they now want about three to four of us to stay around there, and always be on call"

"Do they not have EMT'S for that?" Ari asked rolling her eyes

"Dont know, but all i know is if thats true, im doing whatever i can do to stay here"

"That cant happen right? I mean Nel, Ari and I already are first responders on the scene? If anything then they'll make us do it, and they cant take Nel, shes Chief Resident" Jasper explained 

"Fuck that, they better not" i scoffed sitting up in my chair, as we all got a text on our phones

"All staff members meet in the conference room in 20 minutes" We read at the same time, before we looked up and looked at each other 

-" And that's why I'm asking- not asking, making Ari, Jasper, and Chanel now move to the fire station. Where you'll be always on call for the fire fighters, always at the station. And as you know Chanel is Chief Resident, and yeah, she'll be going. But she will still be here, and checking on your guys, and making sure its all going as plan. I dont want any if, and's or butt's, you guys are packing your ambulance tonight and your first shift there is going to be tomorrow"

"What station?" Ari asked after raising her hand

"118" he said as i sunk in my seat letting out a breath

9-1-1 call

9-1-1 whats your emergancy?

There's this, like, totally insane crash on the 710! Im 100% fine. But there's like a million cars piled up everywhere. ugh! Im totally gonna be late to the V-day dance

"Chanel, Jasper and Ari, you guys need to get to the 710, car pile up and they need you guys" 

"Okay, thanks" Ari said putting her coffee down

"I guess this is gonna be our first unofficial, official day with the firefighters" Jasper said as i rolled my eyes

We arrived at the scene about three cars were flipped on there side, and a few crashes into eachohter

"Nel, you got it" an EMT said coming over as i nodded

"Uh, sure. Remember anyone that needs urgent car get the first in the ambulance try to stop any bleeding going on before hand and mark them red, any yellows that need help, help them until any available ambo can take them. Any greens that have a scratch or bruise get them to the side. Make sure to overlook anyone and make sure they have the right color, we dont wanna repeat" i explained as everyone nodded

"Okay, 242 can assist and mark, 192 get the yellow, 266 get the driving since they have the best driving time, and we can do the reds, 123 get the greens. Take your bags and go" i sighed waving them off, the crash wasnt that bad so i figured there wasnt gonna be many red's 

"What's the situation here?" Athena asked coming over 

"12 cars, no fatalities. But uh, we do have a med car up here, its delivering an organ and now is stuck" I explained as she nodded

" I got this, you go make sure everyone's okay, and then head back" She said as i nodded smiling 

"hey, i know you're about to drive all crazy, but try to safe"

"Cant promise anything" she said laughing a little as she left 

A/N This chapter is not my fav

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