Chapter One

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"Sir? You'll need to put your seat up. We're starting our decsent."

Upon opening my eyes, I was greeted by a handsome steward. He smiled, friendly at me, before moving on.

I put my seat up, yawning. It was only a five hour flight back to L.A., but I had fallen asleep the moment we were in the air, emotionally and mentally exhausted.

It felt good to be back in a familiar place, even though we had yet to touch down, and I knew that I would be seeing Eddie very shortly.

Eddie. The man who I thought I'd never see again.

And yet, he had ensnared my heart in a way I hadn't seen coming.

It would be good to be in his arms again. Good to be in his presence. Everything felt different now. I felt more confident in a way about everything and yet still insecure about our relationship. Would this work? Would we live happily ever after? Or would things still be as difficult as they'd always been.

I was probably an idiot for letting him back in, but I couldn't help it. I needed him in a way I'd never needed someone before.

He was my heart and soul.

The thoughts were easy now, easy to accept, even if I felt uncomfortable by them. I'd never thought of anyone as my "heart and soul" before. It was cheesy, something a sappy character in an equally sappy romance novel would say.

The plane began its descent, and I slipped my shoes back on. Due to nerves that had nothing to do with flying this time, I'd taken them off and did the John McClane thing and taken off my shoes and socks. I'd curled my toes against the shitty carpet of the cabin and instantly felt better.

Now that we were about to land, my anxiety was fading. I was back in my familiar state in my familiar city. I was home - I'd never thought of Los Angeles as home before. It was a revelation, if a small one.

It felt good to be home.

Grabbing my carry-on, I followed the line of people that had gotten out of their seats, waiting for their turn to get off.

And then I saw him.

Nothing had changed about him in the two days I'd been gone, and yet he wasn't the same person to me. He was something more, something comforting. And his eyes lit up when he saw me, a huge grin spreading across his face.

I walked towards him, trying not to run.

"Hey," he said, his hands in his pockets.

"Hey," I breathed.

He stepped forward, cupping my face. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his, needing to feel the skin on skin contact of being with him. Needed to feel some reassurance that he was mine, and I was his, and that everything would be alright now.

His tongue found mine, deepening the kiss. His hand moved to the back of my head, and I moaned softly, forgetting that we were in a busy airport at 7:15 in the morning.

I pulled away first, knowing where things would lead if we kept going. My skin felt flushed, my heart beating hard in my chest, and my body hardening.

"God, I've missed you." He murmured.

I smirked. "It's only been a few days."

"But so much has changed." He opened his eyes, looking up at me.

"Not really. We just redefined the limits and definitions."


"Of who we are to each other."

Almost Had Me (Passion Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now