Chapter Eight

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Rossoblus was crowded when we got there, surprising for a Tuesday night. But then again, we were in L.A., and the city never slept.

The hostess led us to our table, doing her best to keep her eyes off of Eddie. But he wasn't paying attention to her.

He only had eyes for me.

It felt good to be out on a date with him; it made this feel like the relationship we should have always had. He ordered us a bottle of red wine.

He took my hand over the table, running his thumb over my knuckles. My skin heated.

"This feels...good." He said.

"Just good?" I teased.

He smiled. "Okay. More than good. Incredible."

I mirrored his smile. My mood was lifting. I could forget about my troubles and just be with the man I loved.

Our waiter arrived with our bottle of wine. Eddie let go of my hand. He raised his glass once it was filled.

"To second chances,"

We clinked our glasses together. The wine was cool and refreshing and fruity. I wasn't much of a wine drinker, but I liked whatever this was.

"I think tonight is more than just about second chances," I mused.

"You're right." His hand cupped his chin, his elbow resting on the tabletop. "Tonight is about you. I know I'm not the best boyfriend, nor have I been the best person. But I want to show you what I feel for you. I want to spoil you and cherish you and show you that I'm trying."

I dropped my eyes. "I know you're trying. And I know what I mean to you."

"But knowing and being shown it are two different things," he pointed out.

"I'm not perfect, either."

"No. But you're not an asshole."

I said nothing for a long moment, pondering his words and forming a response. I ran one of my fingers around the rim of my glass.

"I know you're an asshole," my voice was a whisper. "And I know that you can be toxic. Really toxic. But... I also know that there's good in you. I see it every day when we save someone. Or when you think I'm not looking. You have the potential to be incredible."

A frown marred his beautiful face. "I'm not trying to change you. You need to change for yourself, not for me. I just know that this isn't who you want to be."

His voice cracked when he spoke. "What if I don't know any other way?"

I took his hand. "It's not the only way. I know you've been hurt in the past, but you need to see that there's a good, happy, not toxic person in there."

"This sounds like you're leaving me."

I shook my head. "The opposite, actually."

His eyes widened. "But..."

"But nothing. I love you. And that's overpowering all commonsense."

"I'm glad it is," he murmured.

I pressed a kiss to the back of his hand.

"I know I'm not being smart. You're toxic, and you've hurt me. But I want to see you become the man I deserve. I want to support you in becoming better."


I shook my head, cutting him off. "Stop."

"I want tonight to be a new leaf for me. For us." He admitted.

"And it will be. But if you lie to me again, I will leave."

He nodded.

Our waiter chose that moment to return. "Have we decided on dinner?" he asked.

"I'll have the tortellini," I said, picking the first thing I saw.

"I'll get the cavatelli," Eddie murmured, looking as though he was deep in thought.

I knew he wouldn't lie to me again, but there were other ways he could hurt me. I knew I was stupid, but I wanted to give us a chance.

You're a fucking idiot!! My brain screamed at me.

Our waiter returned a little while later with our food. My stomach rumbled as he set my plate down in front of me.

"Enjoy," he smiled before walking away and leaving us to our meal.

Eddie looked relaxed as he cut into his meal, popping a bite into his mouth. In fact, this was the most relaxed I'd ever seen him. He looked at peace.

"I'm sorry I'm toxic," he said, swallowing.

I shrugged, unsure of what to say. It wasn't alright, but it was just a fact we'd have to work through. More that he would have to work through. But I was prepared to be there to support him as he bettered himself.

I needed to better myself, too. And he made me want to be better. Maybe together, we could find a way to make this work. A way to be healthy.

We talked while we ate. He talked passionately about his childhood in Texas, and he asked me questions about mine. I told him about the good times. The times that we went to Disney Land as a family or on vacations. I talked about playing make-believe with Maddie and how we'd been as thick as thieves.

"She was my best friend," I murmured.

He frowned. "What about now? I know she hasn't been back in your life very long."

I shrugged. "I can't blame her for the silence over the last couple of years, but it feels as though we've picked up where we left off. I know I'm angry with her, but that doesn't mean that anything has changed. Nothing has changed necessarily. I'd still trust her with my life."

Eddie nodded, reaching across the table to place his hand over mine. Every time he touched me, it felt as though an electric spark shot through my blood. It was exhilarating just to touch him, and to be touched by him.

I hoped that I never lost this feeling.

Our waiter cleared away our plates, asking if we wanted dessert.

We declined.

Standing, Eddie took my hand again, leading me outside. We shared a kiss outside of the truck. It wasn't heated. It was loving. Accepting of our faults, but acknowledging that we could help each other be better. That we wanted to be better together. His hand cupped the back of my head, and my arms wrapped themselves around his neck.

I loved this man. I needed him like I needed water. I was a man dying of thirst getting his first taste of water.

When we pulled away, we were both breathless. He smiled up at my, his eyes lighting up as he gazed at me.

"I love you," he said fiercely. "I'll only love you. It's always been you."

My nose burned with tears. I willed myself not to cry. I cried too much where this man was involved. But I would be certain that they would be tears of happiness.

"I love you too," I murmured.

He closed his eyes and smiled, pressing his forehead against mine.

"Please stay with me."

"I'm going nowhere," I said fiercely. And I hoped that I could stick by my words.

"What now?" he asked, pulling away and opening the truck passenger door for me.

I smirked. "We may have a room waiting for us,"

He raised a dark brow. "Oh? What do you have planned."

I shrugged. "I figured tonight was special... Figured we should go, um, express our love or something."

"That's so cheesy," he laughed. "But I have plans for you." His voice took on a wicked tone, his hand squeezing my ass as I moved to climb into the truck.

Swallowing hard, I turned to look at him. There was a glimmer of something dark in his eyes, something hot and seductive.

I was excited to see what he had planned.

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