Chapter Twenty-Four

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As much as I thought it was a bad idea for Eddie to come meet our parents as that airport, but I was also glad that he was here. 

His hand felt solid and reassuring in mine, our fingers interlaced and resting on his knee. He would glance at me and squeeze my fingers every now and then, whenever he noticed the anxious look that seemed fixed to my face. 

"It'll be okay," he would murmur, the low rumble of his voice causing my blood to thrill. 

"After last time," Maddie said, "I think Mom will be... nicer - for a lack of a better word. You really rattled her when you left." 

"Good," I mumbled. 

I felt tired, having not slept well the night before. Maddie looked like her usual self, her eyes bright, like she'd slept well last night. But, then again, she had always had a good relationship with our parents. 

It was me who was the black sheep. 

And my fur had only grown darker since I'd revealed that I was dating a man. 

My mood darkened. 

"When are you having coffee with Shannon?" Eddie asked, no doubt attempting to get my mind off my parents. 

"Tomorrow," I answered. "She has tomorrow off." 

That was technically a true. Though, I wasn't about to tell them my other reason for wanting to meet with her while my parents were visiting. That there was only so much of my mother I could take, and that this was a way of escaping, if only for an hour or two. And, I thought it best to get this over with. I had no idea why she wanted to meet for coffee, only that it had to do with my relationship with Eddie. 

I had no missed calls or texts from Corrine, and I wondered if she had finally gotten the very obvious message that I didn't want to be with her. 

I hoped that Shannon would be decent, wouldn't try to warn me against Eddie, or try to break us up like Corrine had been so hellbent on doing. 

My eyes flickered to one of the TVs that hung from the ceiling of the airport waiting area. It was crowded today, and my head was beginning to hurt from the constant drone of hundreds of voices. 

Standing, I dropped Eddie's hand. 

"Where are you going?" Maddie asked. "Their plan just landed." 

"I need some air." 

Turning, I tried not to run as I pushed my way through the airport, headed towards the entrance. I could feel Eddie following me. Of course, he'd come after me. But, I wasn't sure that I wanted him to follow me. I was in a shit mood. I didn't want to drag him down with me. 

He caught me by the waist as I pushed past the doors, the hot day enveloping me. He spun me to face him, and tears welled in my eyes. He pressed his lips to mine, not caring that we were at a busy airport, that people was staring at us as they walked past. 

There was nothing but him and me in that moment. 

"I love you. You don't have to do this," he said against my lips. "Though, I think it's very brave that you want to do this. That you want to introduce me to them." 

"That's the whole reason they're coming here," I reminded him. 

"We could go away for the weekend," he said. "If it'll be too hard for you to see them." 

Sighing, I dipped my head and kissed his neck. "My relationship with my dad is... fine now." 

"But you're afraid of your mom." 

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