Chapter Six

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"What's your plan for your birthday?" Hen asked me.

Eddie seemed to perk up at the question, like he was waiting for my response.

It would be my birthday in a few weeks, and I hadn't planned anything yet. I didn't really want to do anything. With the tension between my sister and me, I felt reluctant to ask her to do anything with me, and I didn't want Eddie, or anyone for that matter, to spend money on me.

I wasn't worth it.

"Oh, come on." She continued. "It's the big two seven. How could we not celebrate?"

I shrugged. "Just don't feel much like celebrating," I admitted.

"Why not?" Chimney asked. "Birthdays are a time to celebrate. To be happy."

Rolling my eyes, I stood, aware of Eddie's eyes on me. Why was I being so difficult? My friends wanted to do something nice for me, and I was acting like an asshole. Normally, I would say yes to going out with friends and having a few beers or something. But this year, I wanted a quiet night in.

I headed outside, needing some air. My morning with Maddie had tainted my mood, and the texts from Corrine didn't help either.

She wanted to meet up with me to apologize in person for how we'd ended things. I hadn't responded yet, not wanting to anger Eddie. I'd promised him that I would have nothing to do with her.

So why did I feel so conflicted?

"Are you okay?"

I turned to find Eddie standing behind me. His eyes were filled with concern, and his hand hovered above my shoulder, debating on whether or not to touch me.

This was too public of a place for us to be intimate. Too public for us to act like a couple. We both knew what would happen if Cap caught us, and neither of us wanted that to happen.

I loved my job, and I knew that he did, too. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he lost his job because of me.

"What's up with you today?"

"Nothing," I said sullenly.

"Buck. I've never seen you like this. Usually, you're so upbeat and positive. The guys want to do something nice for you. When we talked about your birthday the other day, you were excited. What's changed?"

I shrugged. My fight with Maddie had left me in a sour mood. I knew I was being difficult, but why shouldn't I be? If I didn't want to celebrate my birthday, then I didn't have to.

"Just drop it." I said, turning to head back inside.

"Is this about Corrine?"

I froze. "I told you I would have nothing to do with her."

"But like I said, she wants something to do with you. Why else would she be texting you asking to meet up? She's trying to steal you from me."

Was he fucking serious?

"What do I have to do to show you I'm committed?" I demanded my temperature fraying. He opened his mouth. "And don't you dare say marriage."


"It's too soon."

I moved to walk past him. But he grabbed me, gently, and pushed me up against the wall of the firehouse. Making sure we were out of sight, he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me hard.

"I love you." He said passionately. "I know you're committed to me. I'm just afraid of losing you."

"You won't lose me," I assured him. "Only if you lie to me."

"Well, it's good that I'll never lie to you again."

I pushed him away. "We better get back."

He nodded. "Sorry for jumping you."

"I personally love it," I admitted as we walked back towards the entrance. "But I want to keep my job."

"Guess we got to learn how to be coworkers." He said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his slacks.

"Guess so,"

Suddenly, the alarm started blaring, followed by a disembodied voice telling us the address and what was happening.

Time to gear up.

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