Chapter Two

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There were dark bags under Buck's eyes when he got up in the morning. Eddie was in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of them before he went to work.

He'd felt Buck tossing and turning in his sleep throughout the night, and he wanted to encourage him to go to bed. Why was he up when he hadn't slept well?

"Go back to bed," he encouraged.

Buck shook his head, filling a cup of coffee. "I need to go to work. It'll get my mind off things."

Eddie frowned. "Isn't your sister coming back today?"

Buck nodded.

Ah, Eddie thought. He doesn't want to be here when she shows up.

He couldn't blame him - Buck had told him what happened with his family, and he'd felt a twist of disgust in his stomach. He'd spent the night consoling him and watching him through this new depression, unsure of what to do to help.

Buck took a sip of his coffee. "Thank you for spending the night with me,"

"Of course," Eddie said. "There's no where I'd rather be, especially while you're not feeling the best."

"I feel fine."

Eddie rolled his eyes but said nothing. It wasn't worth arguing. That wasn't what Buck needed. He needed support and comfort.

"Let's eat," Eddie said, turning back to the stove. "Then we can get ready."

"Thank you," Buck murmured, his eyes on him.

Eddie turned and smiled, though it felt forced.


Eddie held my hand as he drove, rubbing his thumb across the back in soothing circles. He was being so kind and patient, something I hadn't really expected, even though this is how a supportive partner acted. He was changing, and for the better.

The radio was playing, and he was singing along in a quiet voice.

I loved to hear him sing; he had a nice voice. A cheesy love song was playing, and it felt as though he was singing to me, especially considering that he kept glancing at me, his dark eyes full of love.

My heart swelled, pushing away the dark feelings I'd been feeling since Sunday. It was easy to feel distracted by him, but in the best way possible. He took my mind off my family, off the revelations of the weekend. It was easy to just focus on him.

"It'll be nice to have you back," he said, raising my hand to his lips as we waited at a light.

"I've only been gone a few days."

"I know." He kissed my hand.

I rolled my eyes. "You're like a lovesick puppy."

He shrugged, a smile on his lips. He really did have the most beautiful smile.

"I'm just crazy about you."

"Like I couldn't tell." I teased.

His smile widened. "And I'm happy that we spent the night talking and figuring things out."

We'd spent yesterday morning talking, setting up some ground rules for our relationship. We both wanted the same thing and could both see a future together. He promised that he would separate from Shannon and asked me something in return.

That after I broke it off with Corrine, he wanted me to stay away from her.

I felt like he was being unfair - her and I had only slept together once and went out on one date that ended with me going home with him.

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