Chapter Seventeen

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Eddie woke earlier than he would have liked; the routine of fatherhood making it impossible for him to sleep any longer. 

Sitting up, he glanced to his left, and saw that Buck was still sleeping peacefully beside him. 

Thankfully, he hadn't had any nightmares, no doubt from being exhausted and getting to bed late the night before. He remembered the fear in Buck's eyes, the helplessness. It wasn't something he wanted to happen again. 

It's been a while since you've talked with Sarah... Sarah had been his therapist. But when Shannon left, he'd found it difficult to make the time to keep seeing her. 

But it would be good to talk to someone again. Maybe now he could make time. 

His feet touched the hardwood floor, cool against his skin. He padded silently to his dresser, pulling out a t-shirt and a pair of PJ pants.

Closing the door quietly behind him, he made his way down the hallway. Christopher was awake, he saw once he reached the bedroom down the hall, reading. He looked up, catching sight of Eddie, and smiled. 

"Hi, Dad." 

"Hey buddy. Are you hungry?" 

The boy nodded, setting his book down and reaching for his canes. He strapped them to his wrists, and hoisted himself off the bed, making his way to Eddie, who's heart swelled with pride and love. 

In the kitchen, they decided on omelets, sausages, and fruit. Eddie pulled a container of strawberries from the fridge, and dumped them into a colander,  turning on the tap. He watched as Chris cracked several eggs into a bowl for the first omelet, before adding a bit of milk and seasonings. 

Eddie set the strawberries aside to drain, and grabbed a bushel of spinach from the fridge. 

"Who's the lady?" Chris asked. 

Eddie looked up from the spinach he was chopping, frowning. "How did you know that we have a guest?" 

"I heard her crying." 

He felt a stab of guilt. While he and Buck had slept peacefully in each other's arms, Maddie had been in pain. Of course, he knew that Buck had done his best to comfort her when Eddie had dropped them off, but that she disappeared into the spare bedroom, telling her brother that she was okay. 

"I just want to help," 

He remembered the way Buck had looked last night night in the shower, before they started talking about happier things -- desolate and lost. 

"Well, let's make her feel extra welcomed, yeah?" 

Christopher nodded, pouring the egg mixture into a pan. 

Eddie took over cooking, while his son sat at the kitchen table, talking. 

He talked about Shannon, and how excited he was that she was back in their lives. But, Eddie could hear the bitterness under his words. He hated that his parents were divorcing. 

"How long until you and Mommy get back together?" he asked. 

Eddie flipped the omelet, thinking through what he wanted to say. "I don't think mommy and I will ever be back together." 

Chris frowned. "Why not?" 

He slid the omelet out of the pan and onto a plate, before handing it to Chris. 

"Because, I love Buck." 

"But he's a man." 

Eddie raised a brow. "And?" 

Christopher said nothing, as he was already eating his breakfast. 

Eddie sighed, running a hand through his hair. He knew that it was strange for Christopher to see him with someone. There were two kids who had gay parents in Christopher's class, but he knew that it was different knowing something and seeing it. 

"Why him? Why not Mom?" 

"Because. Buck makes me happy. Makes me feel things I never knew were real. He's my true love." 

Chris pulled a face, but smiled. "Ew," 

"You'll find yours one day," Eddie teased. "Though, when you're a lot older." 

Eddie watched him eat, his arms crossed. "Can you please be nicer to Buck? He wants to get to know you, and it makes him sad that you don't want to know him?" 

"He's going to replace Mom." 

Eddie came and knelt beside Chris's chair. He placed a hand on his small shoulders. "Don't you ever say that. No one can replace Mom." 

"That's right," 

Eddie stood, his whole body feeling as though he was being pulled towards Buck, who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He wore a clean shirt, and a pair of shorts. His hair was messy from sleep, and he looked glorious. 

"I don't want to replace anyone." He continued, his hands in the pockets of his shorts. "I'll always just be Buck." 

"Hi," Chris said. 

"Hi," Buck smiled. 

And it felt like everything was right in the world. For the moment at least. 

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