Chapter Ten

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The rest of the week passed uneventfully. 

Eddie was attentive, the perfect boyfriend. He cooked me dinner and even bought me a rose. He stayed with me most evenings, but Friday night he told me he had to go home. 

We'd had a long day, and was spending some time in for the evening watching TV. We had the apartment to ourselves, considering that Maddie was working nights for the weekend. 

It had been nice to just relax, to watch a movie and to simply be. I was beginning to feel human again. 

"I have to go," Eddie sighed, sounding disappointed by that fact. 

"Do you have to?" 

He nodded, kissing my forehead. He set his empty beer bottle on the coffee table. He suddenly radiated tension. 

"Tomorrow's my mother's birthday," he said, sounding nervous. He didn't look me in the eye. "I would like for you to come."

I nodded. Was I ready for that? To meet his family? 

"Does she know about us?" 

He nodded. "I've told her some things. Not everything that had happened, but that I'm in love with someone else and am leaving Shannon. She wasn't shocked. She's been waiting for me to move on since Shannon left." 

"And does she know that I'm a man?" 

He shook his head. "I didn't know how to bring it up to her. I'm sure she'll be understanding. She's just always thought I was straight." 

I nodded again, unsure of what to say. I hoped that her reaction to me would be better than my own mother's reaction to finding out about Eddie. 

I put my hand over his. He wanted me there. I had to be strong enough for this, and not a coward. 

"I'd love to meet her." I said. 

"I just don't want to make her day about me." He continued, his words coming out rushed. "I've been selfish my whole life. Tomorrow is her day --"

"Shhh..." I soothed, pressing my lips to his. "You won't. You'll be sharing a special day with her." 

"I don't want to make things awkward." 

Sighing, I sat back on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling. "Eddie. We have to accept that some people won't like our relationship or be comfortable with it. It sucks, but it's a fact. I don't think you'll make it awkward if you take me. You'll just be introducing your boyfriend to your family and friends." 

"Partner," he corrected me. 

My heart fluttered. "Sorry. Your partner.

"You're more than just a boyfriend to me. You're my end all be all." 

"And you're mine," I said. "But I don't have to come tomorrow if you don't think it will be a good idea." 

His lips twitched. "I want you to come. I just want you to be comfortable." 

"I won't be uncomfortable." I assured him. 

Finally, he relented, the tension melting from his shoulders. Standing, we walked hand in hand to the door. He pulled his jacket from the porch closet shrugging it on, before pulling me to him and kissing me. 

I kissed him back, passion flaming through my veins. And by the time we broke apart, I was slightly dizzy. 

"Good night," he said, kissing my hand. 

"Good night," I breathed. "I'll see you tomorrow." 

I went through my typical night routine, brushing my teeth and washing my face after my shower. I felt happy, relaxed, and my eyes were bright. My fingers brushed the birthmark above my left eye as I stared in the mirror. It was always something I'd been self conscious about. But I knew it was stupid. Eddie had never once made me feel not handsome because of it. 

It was still something I wanted to change about myself, though. 

Pulling off my shirt, my phone buzzed. My throat felt dry as I read who the text was from. 


Frowning, I opened the text. What the hell did she want? I hadn't answered her previous text, choosing to delete it. 

I didn't want to lead her on. I didn't want to upset Eddie. 

Don't read it, I told myself. This is a bad idea. 

But I was curious as to what she had to say. 

My thumb hovered over the icon before pressing it. 

Corrine: Why won't you talk to me? I said I was sorry. I hate that I slapped you, and how we left things. I really like you, Buck, and I want to try again. 

Frustration burned in my chest. She wanted to try again? She knew that I was with Eddie. There was no trying again. 

We'd barely had anything! 

But I had been attached to her in an unhealthy way. I'd idealized her in my head. I'd wanted things to move faster than they should have or were. 

There is no trying again. I told her. 

Corrine: He's not good for you. 

You don't know him! He's changing. 

Corrine: You shouldn't have to change him. 

What the fuck? 

It's him changing himself. I sent back furious. I love him. You and I didn't have anything. 

What she said next made my blood run cold. 

Corrine: I tracked down his wife, and what she had to tell me was bad. Really bad, Buck. Call me, and we can meet up somewhere. 

How had she tracked down Shannon? L.A. was a big city, with millions of people. Why would Corrine not leave us alone? I was happy with Eddie. I was beginning to feel as though I'd found the person I was meant for. He was changing for the better, and so was I. 

But something bad? What could she possibly be alluding to? 

What had Shannon said? 

I didn't respond to her latest text. The last thing I wanted was to meet up with her. But I was curious. 

What did Shannon know? 

And then I remembered what Eddie had said a few days ago at the hotel about me not knowing everything about him. I felt cold and buried myself under my blankets, trying not to think about Eddie, Shannon, or Corrine as I tried to fall asleep. 

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